Month: March 2021

Harmonising community-led fisheries management within Uwedikan’s marine protected area

"We would be devastated if our house was destroyed. This also applies to coral reefs. We pay for our children to go to school using the fish we catch, so we need to protect their house, the coral reef."

/ Mar 18, 2021

Challenging gender barriers: an interview with Timor-Leste’s first female Divemaster

This International Women’s Day we are celebrating an extraordinary woman. Mima’s story is one of passion, courage and perseverance.

/ Mar 8, 2021

From global to local, and back again

Birgit Hermann, Country Manager for Blue Ventures in Timor-Leste, shares her experiences of being a Rotary Peace Fellow amongst global peers, and what it means for community conservation impact

/ Mar 4, 2021