Tag: rebuilding fisheries

Ink to interface: digitising data in Southeast Asia
Wahyu Dita Septiani is Blue Ventures’ fisheries and data coordinator for Indonesia. Her role ensures that data are unified and optimised, supporting communities in making adaptive decisions for thriving fisheries. Here, Dita dives into her journey in data management in...

Embarking on a sustainable shrimp journey in Indragiri Hilir, Indonesia
Inayah joined Blue Ventures Indonesia as a Fisheries and Data Technician in June 2023. Her role involves supporting local partners with data collection, analysis, and reporting. In her first blog, she talks about how the first shrimp stock assessment carried...

Shrimp return to the locally managed bay in northern Madagascar
By Nantenaina Ardo NIRISOA, Site Leader (Ambanja, Tsimipaika Bay, Madagascar). More than seven years ago, when I was working as a fisheries and aquaculture technician in Ambanja in Madagascar’s northwest, I set up a network of fisheries data collectors. I...

Promoting the use of customary laws to improve community fisheries in Indonesia
This is the final piece in a three-part series on the use of customary laws known locally as sasi that seek to harness a more sustainable relationship between man and nature. Sasi is a set of customary laws currently used...

Somali to Kenya: A learning exchange to share knowledge and forge friendships
As we worked to finalise planning for this learning visit, we were unsure how it would turn out. After a year without guests, when COVID-19 travel restrictions eased late last year, we were excited about hosting representatives of Adeso, Secure...

An exchange visit to Pate Island, Lamu Archipelago – inspiring change in community-led fisheries and conservation
Munje to Pate – the start of learning There was hope and excitement as nine community members, seven men, and two ladies from Munje in southeast Kenya, boarded a shuttle bus for a nine-hour journey to Lamu. Our mission was...

Connecting the dots – ‘Sasi’ and co-management in Maluku, Indonesia
This post is the second of a 3-part series on the use of customary law (sasi) by communities from Maluku archipelago in Indonesia and how these practices have helped communities to rebuild their fisheries. Read part 1 here. Three...

Revitalising ‘sasi’ – relying on indigenous laws and traditions to protect the ocean in Maluku – Indonesia
This post is the first of a 3-part series on the use of customary law (sasi) by communities from Maluku archipelago in Indonesia and how these practices have helped communities to rebuild their fisheries. My first experience of Sasi September...

Adopting LMMAs – selfless actions for the security of future coastal generations
As we headed out on the bumpy road to Ambolobozobe in the northeast of Madagascar, there was a sense of anticipation. We were going to meet the coastal communities who are successfully managing multiple Locally Managed Marine Areas (LMMAs) as...

Relying on local knowledge to preserve key biodiversity sites in the Comoros
the power of data and local knowledge in local fisheries management An array of colours fill my eyes when I put my head underwater – blue, red, yellow and green is what I see as the fish move over beautiful...

Training the trainers: building capacity for locally led conservation in Mozambique
In collaboration with partners AMA and CORDIO, and as part of the Our Sea Our Life project, Blue Ventures recently hosted a training workshop for village technicians in the Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique.

Learning face-to-face
A learning exchange brought over twenty partners, fishers and conservationists from five different countries to Madagascar to learn about community-based fisheries management.

A journey for education: from Madagascar to Canada to study ocean governance
Feno Hanitriniala from our Education team leaves Madagascar for the first time so that she can bring back an increased knowledge of marine management to the youth of Velondriake

The Caribbean Spiny Lobster: our Belize volunteers learn from an expert
From fishery closures to how to measure a carapace, our volunteers found out everything they could ever have wanted about the Caribbean Spiny Lobster!