Tana to Toliara, The Scenic Route!
I have just arrived in Andavadoaka as the new field scientist and so far it has proven to be quite a trip.I met up with 2 volunteers in Tana, the capital of Madagascar, before exploring the city which is full...

Juice Concert
BV staff and vols were invited to a ‘Jus Concert’ in aid of a sports scholarship for local school kids. For the small fee of 1500ariary we were greeted by home made juice (well, orange squash) and plates of nibbles...

Fish Test Dilemma
Sitting down to learn 150 fish species in the boiling midday heat might not seem like the most inviting way to spend an afternoon(napping for example would be a preferred alternative) but having quickly learnt all the coral types we...

Once upon a time… an open day in Andavadoaka…
This day was organised 2 expeditions ago and it began with a presentation of all the Blue ventures projects that have been run over the past couple of years.The Radoko (doctor in malagasy) bought 5 boxes of condoms to the...

Pirogue Race
…and they’re off! A blazing hot afternoon in March, the wind is good and the waves are… well, wavy. Four Vezo per pirogue, all working hard to keep the boat moving faster, faster, faster. Jumping, pushing, standing, pulling, ropes out,...

Marine Protected Areas and their fishermen
One of our current, groundbreaking projects in Andavadoaka is related to Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Basically the villages choose their best fishing reefs and put them in the MPA, which means that they have agreed to not fish there anymore....

BV featured in The Sunday Telegraph
Blue Ventures was featured in The Sunday Telegraph on 15th April, 2007. The article, entitled: “Avoiding the guilt trips on a feel-good holiday” investigates the opportunities for people looking to do something ‘worthwhile’ with their holidays and offers a guide...

Blue Ventures’ New Marine Expedition
Blue Ventures is now recruiting for an exciting new volunteer expedition in Madagascar. In the summer of 2007 we’re launching two rapid reef exploration and assessment expeditions around the remote islands off Manahy, approximately 75km south of Morondava. The islands...

MPA Exploration
February and March marked the beginning of the MPA exploratory diving. Travelling via boat and motorized pirogue north to the islands of Nosy Ve, Nosy Mitata, Nosy Masai, and Andrombala. The first day diving was at Ampasy, a site that...

National Geographic marine reserves feature
National Geographic Society, supporter of Blue Ventures’ research into turtle fisheries in Madagascar, has recently put together an excellent feature on the global fisheries crisis, profiling the role of marine reserves in managing the collapse of fisheries around the world....

European Scientists’ Marine Reserves consensus
Join Blue Ventures Scientists and put your name to this consensus in support of Marine Protected Areas. In 2003, the World Parks Congress, the largest global assembly of protected area specialists and conservation managers recommended that marine “protected area networks...

Jewellery auction supporting Blue Ventures
A jewellery designer called Shirley Boyt has created a charm bracelet inspired by the Blue Planet TV series. Shirley has kindly offered to donate 25% of all sales to Blue Ventures to support the marine conservation work we do in...

A new Arrival.
Arriving in Anadavadoaka is not something for which you can really prepare. Having travelled for nearly 4 days from home in London expectations are pretty high, but safe to say it was definitely worth it! On arrival everyone seemed in...

International Womens Day
I have now been in Andavadoaka for just over three weeks, and each day seems to go by faster than the last! I have greatly enjoyed learning about coral reefs and SCUBA diving, but being welcomed as a part of...

The Village of Andavadoaka, Finalists in the UNDP Equator Prize, 2007
This week the village of Andavadoaka joins an esteemed list of 25 finalists for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Equator prize, 2007. The prize recognises sustainable community initiatives in the tropics that help to reduce poverty through the conservation...