A cetacean migration! The whales and dolphins have arrived
Our Timor-Leste expeditions are based in Ataúro Island, which just happens to be a global hotspot for cetacean sightings. Sounds like a whale of a time!

Corals in crisis: monitoring the third global bleaching event in southwest Madagascar
This summer Blue Ventures volunteers and staff in the remote fishing village of Andavadoaka in southwest Madagascar have been enjoying warm waters and calm weather. However, beneath the waves the picture is less idyllic. Where once we dived on reefs...

Celebrating the mission that unites us
After three exciting days we hit the road with a shared feeling that binds us all to our vision: to rebuild tropical fisheries with the coastal communities that depend on them.

Celebrating World Fisheries Day in Comoros
This World Fisheries day, we are celebrating a new initiative for marine conservation and fishery management in the Comoros.

Women’s groups take action to address emergency transport challenges for accessing maternal healthcare
In Madagascar—where women face a 1 in 43 lifetime risk of maternal death—community mobilisation can improve maternal health outcomes. In rural areas, clinics and hospitals are located far from many villages, which means that transport in emergency situations is vital...

Women in Lamboara: Preparing for the future
by Cicelin Cicelin RAKOTOMAHAZO and Dolce RANDRIANANDRASAZIKY, Blue Forests southwest team, Madagascar “Planting mangroves is not a question of money, but a question of our future”, said a group of women from the island fishing village of Lamboara, situated in the...

Through school I know that I’m capable of achieving much more…
I know that staying and finishing school will help me get somewhere where I’m fully satisfied. Doing something other than living day-to-day, doing small jobs, hauling cement or moving rocks. Through school I know that I’m capable of achieving much...

Girl power
My goal in completing school is to become a midwife. I see the need for women to have someone they can go to and trust with anything, especially young girls.

Dreaming of university
I don’t know of anyone else who had dreams of going to university as a kid. It isn’t something that many people from here do. No matter what happens, I have to keep trying, I have to find a way...

Education filled me up almost more than a bowl of rice…
Something magical happens. When I’m at school or studying in the youth clubs with Blue Ventures, it’s like learning is the medicine that cures my hunger.

Student Conference on Conservation Science in Bangalore, India
by Cicelin RAKOTOMAHAZO, Socioeconomic Scientist – Blue Forests, Madagascar This was not only my first time on a flight but also my first time travelling outside of Madagascar. I was heading to Bangalore, the third largest city in India, to...

Staff Q&A with Trevor Jones, Geospatial Analyst; Manager, Blue Carbon Science
In the latest instalment in our series of staff Q&As, we ask Trevor Jones, Geospatial Analyst; Manager, Blue Carbon Science, some searching questions about science, conservation and superpowers… What did you want to be when you were growing up? Outside....

Staff Q&A with Meira Mizrahi, Field Scientist, Belize
In the latest instalment in our series of staff Q&As, we ask Meira Mizrahi, Field Scientist, Belize, some searching questions about science, conservation and superpowers… What is your scientific background? I gained a BSc in Ecology & Conservation at James Cook University, Cairns....

Staff Q&A with Winnie Courtene-Jones, Field Scientist, Belize
In the latest instalment in our series of staff Q&As, we ask Winnie Courtene-Jones, Field Scientist, Belize, some searching questions about science, conservation and superpowers… What is your academic/professional background? From a very early age I was fascinated by the...