Towards resilience: responding to economic shocks caused by the COVID-19 crisis
With our partners, we are mobilising around the world to help support locally led conservation efforts against the current crisis, safeguarding food security and livelihoods for coastal communities in this turbulent time.

What does kung fu have to do with octopus fishing?
The making of “Tovo the octopus gleaner”, a Vezo film featuring intense kung fu action and a mysterious octopus mermaid designed to spread good fisheries practices!

Signed, sealed, delivered, I’m your protected area
Creating a new protected area takes time. The members of the Velondriake locally managed marine area (LMMA) management association in southwest Madagascar have been patiently biding theirs for a number of long years. The seven-year journey towards formal government recognition...

Making a living from the forests between land and sea
by Kitty Brayne, Country Coordinator, Madagascar I’m in a fishing village, but I can’t see the sea. Ankazomborona is perched on the edge of a muddy channel separating land from a forbidding forest of twisted mangrove trees, their roots veering...