How is your climate literacy?
by Sylvia Paulot, Blue Carbon Scientist, Toliara – Madagascar I recently attended a training on climate change and marine protected areas in South Africa, part of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration...

Longing for a carbon project
by Sylvia Paulot, Blue Carbon Scientist, Toliara – Madagascar For Mamelo Honko, a community based association for mangrove protection in Ambondrolava, southwest Madagascar, International Mangrove Day (held on July 26th) is one of the rare occasions to share publicly their...

Staff Q&A with Sylvia Paulot, Mangrove Carbon Scientist
In the seventh instalment in our series of Q&As with Blue Ventures staff, we ask Sylvia Paulot, our Mangrove Carbon Scientist, some searching questions about science, conservation and superpowers… What is your scientific background? I studied Environmental Science at Sebelas Maret University, in Central...

Antanandahy: where the women rule the mangroves
by Sylvia Paulot and Kate England, Blue Forests team, Madagascar After winding its way west, Madagascar’s Tsiribihina River empties into the Mozambique Channel in a maze of tributaries entwined with mangroves. At the end of last year, Sylvia and Kate...

A journey of crab catching in the mangrove channel
by Sylvia Paulot, Blue Forests Scientist, Madagascar As mangrove conservation officer, I have visited many villages in mangrove forests, and talked much with the local people, but I have never really experienced first-hand the daily life of a fisher from one...