Category: Locations

Taking control with Tara Bandu
The community of Behau in Timor-Leste has decided to take control of its marine resources by using customary law to establish a locally managed marine area.

The role of Safidy: reflecting on Blue Ventures’ community health programme
Why does a marine conservation organisation work in community health?

From research to relationships
Women in Fisheries 1: an interview with Gayatri Reksodihardjo-Lilley, founder of Yayasan LINI

Back to school time
A short film from southwest Madagascar shows young people returning to class thanks to your support.

Amos and Mima: the journey to Divemaster
Blue Ventures’ Dive and Science Assistants in Timor-Leste have achieved PADI Divemaster certification and are now inspiring locally led conservation efforts in their communities.

Value and connection: five moments of personal and professional change
Blue Ventures trustee Fran Humber reflects on the changes she saw during her 13 years as a staff member.

Family planning: a holistic issue
Njaka and Nantenaina travel to Rwanda to find that they're not alone in seeing the links between family planning and environmental conservation.

A better life, together
Locally led marine management inspiring hope for the future in Comoros

Geo for Good: from Ambanja to Sunnyvale
Zo Andriamahenina left northwest Madagascar for Sunnyvale, California, to attend Google’s Geo for Good User Summit and learn more about how Google’s tools can help with natural resource management.

Bees are friendly insects: launching beekeeping in southwest Madagascar
Since joining Blue Ventures, Christelle has successfully captured wild bee colonies and travelled the length of Madagascar to learn more about community-led beekeeping.

Fisheries management that works for everyone
For three years, Blue Ventures has been working with stakeholders and communities in Tsimipaika Bay, northwest Madagascar, to develop an innovative, integrated and consensual Fisheries Management Plan.