Category: Locations

The village outreach tour: catalysing conversations with isolated communities
The Blue Ventures outreach team recently competed their second tour of 2016, engaging 32 coastal communities from southwest Madagascar in conversations about sexual and reproductive health, water purification and natural resource management.

Christmas in Andavadoaka: a focus on what’s important
Our Field Scientist Catherine Pigeon and our Madagascar volunteers find out how Christmas is celebrated in Andavadoaka.

Training the trainers: building capacity for locally led conservation in Mozambique
In collaboration with partners AMA and CORDIO, and as part of the Our Sea Our Life project, Blue Ventures recently hosted a training workshop for village technicians in the Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique.

Amazing Madagascar part 3: hungry for adventure
In this third and final instalment of the Amazing Madagascar series we savour some delicious Malagasy recipes, and help you decide on your next destination.

Learning face-to-face
A learning exchange brought over twenty partners, fishers and conservationists from five different countries to Madagascar to learn about community-based fisheries management.

Herizo’s mission: supporting community data collectors in Southwest Madagascar
Blue Ventures’ Data Management Assistant, Herizo Rafanomezantsoa, regularly visits villages along the Southwest coast of Madagascar to ensure that the data collectors have everything they need to successfully monitor the octopus fisheries.

Amazing Madagascar part 2: fascinating culture
In this second instalment of the Amazing Madagascar series we focus on the history, language, and traditions of the Malagasy people.

Testing the waters: exploring the potential for PHE in Southeast Asia
Our Medical Director, Dr Vik Mohan, recently visited Indonesia and Timor-Leste to see whether coastal communities there would be interested in Blue Ventures’ integrated health and environment approach.

A cetacean migration! The whales and dolphins have arrived
Our Timor-Leste expeditions are based in Ataúro Island, which just happens to be a global hotspot for cetacean sightings. Sounds like a whale of a time!

Amazing Madagascar part 1: unique wildlife
In this first instalment of our Amazing Places series we take a look at some of Madagascar's fascinating endemic species!

What global conservation lessons can be learnt from Madagascar?
In this week’s blog we pass the mic to a global expert on marine conservation, IUCN's Professor Dan Laffoley, who visited our programmes in Madagascar earlier this year.