Category: Locations

Watching the Oscars with a Fijian chief
by Jim McNish Monday was the big day – we were off to meet Ratu Apenisa, the gentleman most likely to succeed as the next High Chief of all the islands. Everyone met for breakfast dressed in their finery. The...

Leleuvia, our new island home
by Jim McNish It is very difficult to describe the beauty of the island of Leleuvia as we approached. The water around it is fifty shades of blue, a fringe of white sand gives way to palms and fruit trees...

Nadi to Leleuvia – our first days in Fiji
by Jim McNish A pod of spinner dolphins burst through the gin-clear water and as they leapt in front of the boat my heart leapt with them. It was our first full day on Leleuvia and there were eight volunteers...

Rain, rain go away…
By Angela Walker Greetings from Andava’s sun drenched beautiful beaches and turquoise waters! Firstly, just to let you all know, we are all fine and well and are in a safe place here, away from any political troubles there have...

Alefa! The Verbal High Five
By Camilla de Coverly Veale Well it is nearing week 3 of expedition 43, a very small group, only 9! Which has its pros and cons. The days pass in a whirr, mostly focused around meal times. Our huts are...

Hot water
From Iain Matthews Just as the Greeks sat silently until nightfall in the belly of a horse-faced statue, we similarly wait. Looking for a sign to prompt a nighttime evacuation to the inky seas in the hope of witnessing one...

Axelle and the Zenga Foti
By Axelle, Expedition Manager in Andava I arrived on the 1st of August to take the role of Expedition Manager. I must say that the last two months were full on, and I struggled to know what to tell my...

A honeymoon with a difference
by Will and Kate Turner Life is made of experiences, and this has been one of the best. We decided that an expedition with Blue Ventures would be a unique honeymoon, and give us the opportunity to make a difference...

The end of the August 2008 expedition
By Louis Pearson Yesterday was the penultimate day of the August 2008 expedition, Sunday 21st September 2008. And it was the day that the postponed PADI Project Aware International Beach Clean Up Day was to be held (postponed due to...

Turbulent Times
By Josh This past week saw the arrival of an unwelcome guest in the form of gale force winds that whipped the seas into a bit of a frenzy and turned the underwater world into pea soup. Not to be...

Trigger Fish
From Sarah Joy Linstead It’s my 3rd week in Andavadoaka and we’re nearly half way through the expedition already. Time flies in paradise. I came here to be with my boyfriend Louis, one of BV’s field scientists, but I’m also...

It depends on the wind
From our outgoing expedition manager, Ruth Rosselson It’s the end of our June expedition, and the end of my time here as Expedition Manager. I’ve had a fantastic year but it’s definitely time to say goodbye to Andavadoaka and move...

Sleeping under the stars
From our new Field Scientist, Nikkita Lawson Humpback whale season in the region has officially started! 17 whales were spotted by two lucky volunteers – Ali and Roger – during their shift on our whale watching platform. We even...

My Last weekend in Andavadoaka
From Rebecca Hill, Expedition Medic. What a way to leave Andava! It has been an action packed weekend, starting with the second STI awareness drama competition so far. Up until Saturday, one group from the village had submitted their entry,...