Category: Community Health
We’re training local women to offer community health education and services in their villages, enabling couples to plan and better provide for their families, improving food security and boosting the sustainability of local conservation efforts.

Communication is key! Contextualising health promotion in Kaledupa
Our Indonesian partner Forkani recently held a communication training for health workers to help increase community engagement with health issues on Kaledupa Island.

Progress, experience and passion: 11 years of supporting community health services in Madagascar
11 years ago today, Blue Ventures made the decision to diversify its approach and support local health service provision. In this blog Nick Reed-Krase reflects on the development, accomplishments and future of the Safidy programme.

All in the same boat: integrating conservation and health in Kaledupa
Our partner organisation Forkani recently hosted a workshop with the aim of fostering cross-sector partnerships between health and conservation groups in Kaledupa.

Ten years of providing communities with the freedom to choose
Our Medical Director reflects on ten years of integrating community health services into local marine management efforts in Madagascar.

Is the Global Gag Rule set to undermine the foundations of community-based healthcare?
Our Community Health Programme Coordinator Nick Reed-Krase reflects on the impact that the Mexico City Policy will have on community health workers.

Checking the pulse of Washington DC
A conference trip to Washington by Blue Ventures’ Medical Director Vik Mohan provides an insight into how the international development community might respond to the new US administration.

Tackling childhood illness in Madagascar
In partnership with Madagascar's Ministry of Health and USAID Mikolo, Blue Ventures is training and supporting women in and around the Velondriake area to manage common childhood illnesses.

The village outreach tour: catalysing conversations with isolated communities
The Blue Ventures outreach team recently competed their second tour of 2016, engaging 32 coastal communities from southwest Madagascar in conversations about sexual and reproductive health, water purification and natural resource management.

Testing the waters: exploring the potential for PHE in Southeast Asia
Our Medical Director, Dr Vik Mohan, recently visited Indonesia and Timor-Leste to see whether coastal communities there would be interested in Blue Ventures’ integrated health and environment approach.