Category: Series

The Darawa community celebrates a fisheries management milestone
The first community-led temporary octopus fishery closure in Wakatobi was reopened on 2 September with much ceremony and celebration.

Communication is key! Contextualising health promotion in Kaledupa
Our Indonesian partner Forkani recently held a communication training for health workers to help increase community engagement with health issues on Kaledupa Island.

Progress, experience and passion: 11 years of supporting community health services in Madagascar
11 years ago today, Blue Ventures made the decision to diversify its approach and support local health service provision. In this blog Nick Reed-Krase reflects on the development, accomplishments and future of the Safidy programme.

Breaking stereotypes: the Bulutui community starts to monitor their octopus fishery
A community meeting in the coastal village of Bulutui in Sulawesi inspires the establishment of a catch monitoring system and a move towards sustainable fishing practices.

Inspiring change: Comorian fisherwomen visit Zanzibar to learn about resource management
A learning exchange in Zanzibar has encouraged Comorian fisherwomen to form an association and organise a temporary fishery closure.

PHE training brings new partners together in the Lamu Archipelago
By working in partnership using the PHE approach, Safari Doctors and the Northern Rangeland Trust are looking to increase their impact in isolated communities in Kenya.

A year’s progress for community-led conservation in the Comoros
Sarah Freed reviews the highlights of 2017, a year of learning, partnership and preparation.

Realising our potential: scholars in profile – E-louise
E-louise was one of the first students to be supported by a Blue Ventures scholarship when they first began in 2007, and she’s now an intern within our education programme!