Tag: 2021

From Sumatra to Sulawesi: a long journey to meet a fellow fishing community
In Indonesia, our partners are bringing communities together to share their experiences of locally led fisheries management. These exchanges are known as ‘Anjangsana Mitra’.

Activistas: the voice of fishing communities in Nampula Province
With support from Oikos and Blue Ventures, 'activistas', or community outreach workers, are working to improve community-led fisheries management efforts across Mozambique's Nampula Province

Challenging gender barriers: an interview with Timor-Leste’s first female Divemaster
This International Women’s Day we are celebrating an extraordinary woman. Mima’s story is one of passion, courage and perseverance.

Staff perspectives: reflecting on 2020 and looking towards a new year for marine conservation
Blue Ventures staff from across the world share their thoughts on 2020 and what’s to come for their teams in 2021