Tag: community conservation

From Banggai cardinalfish to octopus: kickstarting community conservation in Indonesia

LINI, our inspirational new partner, is developing a new catalyst for conservation on Banggai Island, Sulawesi

/ Mar 8, 2017

Talking octopus: conservation conversations on Darawa Island

Nusi is a charismatic conservationist whose passion for her work is infectious. She is a member of community organisation Forkani who, with Blue Ventures’ support, are working to improve the management of the vital octopus fishery on Darawa Island in...

/ Feb 1, 2017

Training the trainers: building capacity for locally led conservation in Mozambique

In collaboration with partners AMA and CORDIO, and as part of the Our Sea Our Life project, Blue Ventures recently hosted a training workshop for village technicians in the Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique.

/ Dec 14, 2016

Learning face-to-face

A learning exchange brought over twenty partners, fishers and conservationists from five different countries to Madagascar to learn about community-based fisheries management.

/ Nov 30, 2016

Presenting fisheries data in the Barren Isles: a community engagement visit

The Blue Ventures fisheries team recently visited four new sites in the Barren Isles LMMA to present the results of the fin fish monitoring programme to the fishing communities.

What global conservation lessons can be learnt from Madagascar?

In this week’s blog we pass the mic to a global expert on marine conservation, IUCN's Professor Dan Laffoley, who visited our programmes in Madagascar earlier this year.

/ Sep 14, 2016

Building a positive future for fishing in the Comoros

Last October we supported our partner Dahari as they launched a new mission: the establishment of sustainable fishing and community management of marine resources on the island of Anjouan.

/ Aug 17, 2016

Velondriake villages stake their claim to mangrove conservation

This week sees both International Forests Day and World Water Day - what better way to explore the intertwined nature of the two than celebrating mangroves - incredible areas where the forest meets the sea.

/ Mar 23, 2016

Signed, sealed, delivered, I’m your protected area

Creating a new protected area takes time. The members of the Velondriake locally managed marine area (LMMA) management association in southwest Madagascar have been patiently biding theirs for a number of long years. The seven-year journey towards formal government recognition...

/ Aug 18, 2015