Tag: fisheries management

Learning exchanges – the gateway to knowledge sharing and networking for local fishers
Sustainable fisheries management is often dependent on localised knowledge. Local communities have been present for in situ observation of their resources for many years and possess insights that can be traced back generations. Though not usually formally recorded, this valuable...

Embarking on a sustainable shrimp journey in Indragiri Hilir, Indonesia
Inayah joined Blue Ventures Indonesia as a Fisheries and Data Technician in June 2023. Her role involves supporting local partners with data collection, analysis, and reporting. In her first blog, she talks about how the first shrimp stock assessment carried...

Community conservation offers hope for sustainable fisheries on the Kenyan coast
The situation It used to be easy for fishing communities on the Kenyan coast to know when the seasons would change, the winds would peak, and the sea would be safe to access because the weather forecasts were more stable....

Harmonising community-led fisheries management within Uwedikan’s marine protected area
"We would be devastated if our house was destroyed. This also applies to coral reefs. We pay for our children to go to school using the fish we catch, so we need to protect their house, the coral reef."

Locally led conservation: listening, persevering and working together
Women in Fisheries 5: an interview with Ami Raini Putriraya, Site Manager for North Minahasa, Perkumpulan YAPEKA

Behind the lens: how communities helped craft a global film about locally led marine conservation
Communities in Comoros, Indonesia and Madagascar filmed the openings of their octopus fishery closures, bringing their own unique perspectives to this marine management approach.

Making fisheries management fun
Using an interactive game to explain the principles behind fisheries management

Fisheries management that works for everyone
For three years, Blue Ventures has been working with stakeholders and communities in Tsimipaika Bay, northwest Madagascar, to develop an innovative, integrated and consensual Fisheries Management Plan.

Breaking stereotypes: the Bulutui community starts to monitor their octopus fishery
A community meeting in the coastal village of Bulutui in Sulawesi inspires the establishment of a catch monitoring system and a move towards sustainable fishing practices.

LINI – leading the way for community-based octopus fishery management in Indonesia
Claudia and Ratih from our Indonesia team spent the day with partner organisation LINI, who are developing conservation initiatives with coastal Bajo communities.

Veda de polvo: temporary octopus closures in Mozambique
Our partner WWF Mozambique has recently facilitated two community-led octopus closures following a learning exchange to Velondriake, Madagascar.