Tag: madagascar

A Milestone for Autonomy in Community-led Marine Area Management in Madagascar
Paul Antion, Head of Programme Management for BV Madagascar, has lived within the small traditional fishing community of Andavadoaka in Madagascar since 2013, working alongside fishers to empower them to lead the management of their marine resources in a way...

What is the Fisheries Transparency Initiative and why is it so important?
In Madagascar, public authorities, fishers, and civil society organisations are working towards improving fisheries transparency and governance. Together, they want to ensure sustainable and fair management of stocks, and enhance the value of a sector that represents between five and...

A song of change in Madagascar brings goosebumps and tears
As a marine ecologist and self-acclaimed nerd, I get excited when I see a graph, especially one charting fish abundance or coral cover. But there are myriad ways to share tales of change beyond data, especially where numbers don’t convey...

Improving community health to boost engagement in conservation
I sat down with Edith Ngunjiri, our Technical Advisor, Health-Environment Partnerships, to get her insights on the health-environment approach following the 15th anniversary of the Blue Ventures Safidy programme. The community health programme has integrated health activities within marine conservation...

Voices of young community leaders
Speaking up for change in Antsahampano village through mangrove conservation. This is the final piece in a four-part series on the voices of young community leaders from Madagascar. Joséphine Besonoa, the community mangrove management association (VOI) technician, speaks on how...

Voices of young community leaders
Encouraging youth to care more for the environment This is the third piece in a four-part series featuring the voices of young community leaders from Madagascar. Fisherwoman Yolande Soamihaja describes her journey as she inspires fellow youth to take on...

Voices of young community leaders
Changemaking through the art of ‘kabary’ speechmaking in Madagascar This post is the second of a 4-part series featuring the voices of young community leaders from Madagascar. In this second part, Landry Jaofasy, a farmer, tells us how he gradually...

Sustainable living from the sea through community-led seaweed farming.
In Madagascar, members of the community of Belo-sur-Mer – primarily women – have taken up the challenge of village aquaculture. I had no future before seaweed farming. My sons had left the village, and I could not support myself because...

When the students became the teachers: a new locally led ecological monitoring team in southwest Madagascar
In June, the local ecological monitoring team from Velondriake travelled to Manjaboake to pass on its skills to its first set of students It was an early sunny morning in June as we packed our kit into the boat on...

Building community governance: adapting lessons learned in northwest Madagascar (part 1)
After working with the communities of Tsimipaika Bay to successfully secure the management rights of over 6,000 hectares of mangroves, Zo Andriamahenina is replicating and adapting what he learned for his latest mission in Mahajamba Bay

Staff perspectives: reflecting on 2020 and looking towards a new year for marine conservation
Blue Ventures staff from across the world share their thoughts on 2020 and what’s to come for their teams in 2021

Reducing post-catch losses: small-scale fishers in Mahajamba Bay test out hot smoking to preserve their catch
For communities living in remote fishing villages in northwest Madagascar, hot smoking is providing a lifeline, enabling them to better preserve their fish

Science and tradition: expanding Velondriake’s no-take zones through community action
Using a traditional fishing technique called 'jarifa', the community association in Velondriake, southwest Madagascar, have expanded their marine reserves to safeguard their future

A visit to see Kokoly
In March 2020, Paul Antion visited Madame Kokoly, of Blue Ventures’ award-winning short film