Tag: marine conservation

Somali to Kenya: A learning exchange to share knowledge and forge friendships
As we worked to finalise planning for this learning visit, we were unsure how it would turn out. After a year without guests, when COVID-19 travel restrictions eased late last year, we were excited about hosting representatives of Adeso, Secure...

Taming the lionfish: celebrating the contribution of our volunteers in Belize
At the European Coral Reef Symposium in Oxford in December 2017, we shared positive lessons learnt on the benefits that volunteers can bring to marine conservation, using our efforts to address Belize’s lionfish invasion as a case study.

International Year of the Reef: why 2018 is the year to get involved!
Coral reefs are facing increasing global threats, but there’s still hope for these vital ecosystems...

A fisherman’s journey into deeper seas: scuba diving and conservation in Timor-Leste
Amos Da Costa's family has always relied on the sea for their food and livelihood, but he believes they must look to the future. He now helps to conserve Ataúro Island's marine environments as Blue Ventures' Dive and Science Assistant.

The crocodile’s children: community-led marine management on Atauro
The community of Ilik-namu have decided to take control of their future and begin managing their marine resources.

Sea Change: Ataúro’s first female scuba diver lends her voice to marine conservation efforts
Jemima Gomes was the first female scuba diver on Ataúro Island, and she is now advocating for marine conservation in her community.

Veda de polvo: temporary octopus closures in Mozambique
Our partner WWF Mozambique has recently facilitated two community-led octopus closures following a learning exchange to Velondriake, Madagascar.

From Banggai cardinalfish to octopus: kickstarting community conservation in Indonesia
LINI, our inspirational new partner, is developing a new catalyst for conservation on Banggai Island, Sulawesi

Learning on the job: Tyrell’s journey to reef conservation
Tyrell Reyes, our Science Coordinator in Belize, tells the story of how his evolving role with Blue Ventures has given him opportunities to contribute to the conservation of his country’s coral reefs.

Training the trainers: building capacity for locally led conservation in Mozambique
In collaboration with partners AMA and CORDIO, and as part of the Our Sea Our Life project, Blue Ventures recently hosted a training workshop for village technicians in the Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique.

What global conservation lessons can be learnt from Madagascar?
In this week’s blog we pass the mic to a global expert on marine conservation, IUCN's Professor Dan Laffoley, who visited our programmes in Madagascar earlier this year.