Tag: mobile monitoring

Going digital: collecting octopus fisheries data through mobile monitoring
Our community-based partner organisations in Indonesia are supporting communities to transition from paper-based data collection to mobile monitoring

Activistas: the voice of fishing communities in Nampula Province
With support from Oikos and Blue Ventures, 'activistas', or community outreach workers, are working to improve community-led fisheries management efforts across Mozambique's Nampula Province

Training the trainers: building capacity for locally led conservation in Mozambique
In collaboration with partners AMA and CORDIO, and as part of the Our Sea Our Life project, Blue Ventures recently hosted a training workshop for village technicians in the Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique.

A melting pot of cultures – Quifuki Island life
Despite its isolation off the north coast of Mozambique, Quifuki Island continues to attract migrant fishermen and traders from far afield, creating a unique and bustling atmosphere.