Tag: school scholarships

Challenging the norm: new student scholarship scheme in Belize
Students in the coastal village of Sarteneja are now being supported with their education and receiving additional training.

Back to school time
A short film from southwest Madagascar shows young people returning to class thanks to your support.

Realising our potential: scholars in profile – E-louise
E-louise was one of the first students to be supported by a Blue Ventures scholarship when they first began in 2007, and she’s now an intern within our education programme!

Realising our potential: scholars in profile – Angelot
Angelot has always been incredibly motivated to continue his education, and now he’s studying Biodiversity at the University of Toliara!

Realising our potential: scholars in profile – Lucia
Lucia was one of the first students to receive a Blue Ventures scholarship when the education programme was launched in 2007. She’s now studying geography at the University of Toliara.

Realising our potential: scholars in profile – Emilienne
Having been a Blue Ventures scholarship beneficiary for four years, Emilienne is now working for us as a member of our community health team!

Realising our potential: scholars in profile – Stephan
Stephan Maheny Denis has such a positive outlook on life that you would never guess the hardships he and his family have endured. His story perfectly exemplifies the thirst for knowledge, against all the odds, of many young people in...

Realising our potential: scholars in profile – Narison
The first blog in a new "Scholars in Profile" series marking the 10 year anniversary of our Education programme supporting youth in the Velondriake area.

A summer of youth-led activities in Velondriake
By Paul Antion, Velondriake Education Coordinator, Madagascar Our education team has been busy facilitating an expanded range of extracurricular activities during the long summer break in Velondriake, as this is a vital time to continue engaging our scholars in...

Schools (not) out for summer
by Marzia Garin, Education and Scholarships Coordinator, Madagascar It’s September in Andavadoaka, and like many places across the world, the school year is about to begin. However, unlike many places across the world, these students are genuinely excited about the...

Mission possible
by Viviane Jeannie, Scholars Coordinator, Madagascar Part of my job as scholarship coordinator is to purchase school materials for each new school year for all of our sponsored students. In the 2012 – 2013 school year, that meant shopping for...

Welcome to the Velondriake JRC / FTM2V
by HERINDRAIBE, Junior Reporters Club, Madagascar Ny FTM2V dia fikambanana hoan’ny Tanora Mpikaroka sy Mpampita Vaovao ato amin’ny faritra Velondriake sy manodidina azy. Ny fomba fiasan’ny FTM2V dia miara-miasa amin’ny projets misy ato amin’ny Blue Ventures sy ny fokon’olona eto an-toerana,...