Tag: training

Collaborating to save seagrass: communities in Timor-Leste embrace a new opportunity for conservation
A community-based seagrass monitoring programme has been established to empower the residents of Ataúro Island to protect one of their most vital marine ecosystems.

An eye on the bigger picture: the evolution of our Belize team
Since Davide joined Blue Ventures in November 2014, the Belize team has undergone significant changes to keep community interests at the heart of their work.

All in the same boat: integrating conservation and health in Kaledupa
Our partner organisation Forkani recently hosted a workshop with the aim of fostering cross-sector partnerships between health and conservation groups in Kaledupa.

A field trip to remember
Students from Centro Escolar Mexico Junior College visit the Bacalar Chico Marine Reserve to get some first-hand experience of marine fieldwork with the Blue Ventures team.

Grounded in evidence: monitoring octopus fisheries in Indonesia
Abigail Leadbeater and Charlie Gough from the Blue Ventures Monitoring and Evaluation team recently visited our new partners in Sulawesi to support them in their implementation of octopus fisheries monitoring

Learning on the job: Tyrell’s journey to reef conservation
Tyrell Reyes, our Science Coordinator in Belize, tells the story of how his evolving role with Blue Ventures has given him opportunities to contribute to the conservation of his country’s coral reefs.

A year of self critique and tough decisions
Over the past year, three of our senior staff in Madagascar have been working with the Earth Skills Network to reflect on, and improve, the management of our conservation programmes.

Tackling childhood illness in Madagascar
In partnership with Madagascar's Ministry of Health and USAID Mikolo, Blue Ventures is training and supporting women in and around the Velondriake area to manage common childhood illnesses.

Training the trainers: building capacity for locally led conservation in Mozambique
In collaboration with partners AMA and CORDIO, and as part of the Our Sea Our Life project, Blue Ventures recently hosted a training workshop for village technicians in the Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique.

A journey for education: from Madagascar to Canada to study ocean governance
Feno Hanitriniala from our Education team leaves Madagascar for the first time so that she can bring back an increased knowledge of marine management to the youth of Velondriake

Fishing for data
Fisheries reconstructions in Madagascar are helping to improve the accuracy of historical catch data, allowing more accurate understanding of the sustainability of this vital resource.

The Caribbean Spiny Lobster: our Belize volunteers learn from an expert
From fishery closures to how to measure a carapace, our volunteers found out everything they could ever have wanted about the Caribbean Spiny Lobster!