Category: Uncategorised

Name That Tuna
The European Union is funding a project that takes an exciting step in the direction of sustainable tuna fishing. Tuna stocks are rapidly depleting at present owing to overfishing. In a new scheme, costing around $10 million approximately 80 000...

Net Again!
Irish, British and Norwegian marine experts have reported that Spanish fisherman are devastating the number of deep-water sharks in the northeast Atlantic. This is due to unregulated fishing techniques that will often involve trawlers leaving nets unattended for weeks, in...

Giants of the Sea
With news just in from site – a giant grouper was seen at Dos de Baleine today, it was at least 2.5m maybe 3m. A monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep Fin Eat Soup!
New laws have been introduced in Egypt following increased pressure and lobbying from the Red Sea Governorate and HEPCA (Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association) that officially ban and criminalize shark fishing and trading. Divers and conservationists noticed that since...

Into the deep…..
The deep-sea environment is an area that has previously been thought of as a barren landscape, containing few life forms, is now being recognised to be the habitat for as many as 10 million species, some of which form coral...

30th September
Hello Bloggers! Here’s our end of week Blue Ventures update…… For all those eager to hear more about our boating ventures – the arrival of Tson Tso has meant our existing boat Alo Alo has been taken out of the...

27th September, 2005
Now we are fully launched into the “Blogosphere” we can get underway with updates from both base and field. Having newly arrived at the base in Andavadoaka our new volunteers were invited to the wedding of Mr Sidoine (an octopus...

Hello and Welcome
So, welcome to our 1st real entry that launches you and us into the world of Blue Ventures blogging. This will serve as a brief overview to bring you up to speed about some of the activities and achievements of...

In the beginning…
Since we started Blue Ventures 3 years ago so much has happened and changed… Past volunteers regularly ring us up to ask us about people they got to know and love on their expeditions, future volunteers ask us questions about...