Category: Uncategorised

BV’s Fran joins the Fishfight

By Frances Humber, Research Coordinator. The public has been hooked on cod, salmon and tuna for too long and it was time for Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and his ‘Fish Fight’ to highlight the enormous levels of ‘discard’ or waste in EU...

/ Nov 24, 2010

Kwetu, Community Aquaculture in Mombasa, Kenya

By Shawn Peabody, Madagascar Locally Managed Marine Area (LMMA) Coordinator. I travelled to Mombasa, Kenya last week to attend a workshop developing a proposal to investigate the role that marine ecosystem services play in poverty alleviation around the Indian Ocean. ...

/ Nov 1, 2010

Heading South

By Sean Clement, Blue Ventures Field Scientist. One of the most encouraging aspects of the success of Blue Ventures’ work in the Velondriake marine protected area ( has been the extent to which many of Velondriake’s approaches to conservation have...

/ Oct 22, 2010

Earlier this week, the two mangrove reserves opened again to legal harvest…

By Kame Westerman, Velondriake MPA Project Coordinator. Mangroves are important habitats for juvenile fish, crabs, shrimp and sea cucumbers. Mangrove forests are also popular fishing areas for many local villages, and, without proper management, can become over harvested. In order to protect these...

/ Oct 8, 2010

Team Zanga (Sea cucumber in Gasy) waded out during low tide in search of the illusive sea cucumbers

By Matt Hitchiner. Volunteers get muddy spending a couple of days helping in the construction of a new sea cucumber pen for the students in Tampolove, a small village in the South of Velondriake. Once the delivery of juveniles arrives on the 23rd of September it...

/ Sep 24, 2010

A white girl fisherman!

By Daniella Sachs. One of the most incredible experiences I have had so far was my trip south with Thomas, a former Malagasy shark fisherman who now runs the Turtle and Shark Research Project for BV...

/ Feb 24, 2010

El Squid Tango

by Núria Forns Willem, Jane, Roger and I have been in Tioman for 20 days now. As we’ve been regularly doing since we got here, this morning we got on the bum boat and headed out for a couple of...

/ Oct 22, 2009

Update from Belo Sur Mer

By Charlie Gough Everything is going well with the dive surveys at our new site in Belo and on the islands so far. This week we had some great weather again, which allowed us to survey a further 3 sites...

/ Oct 16, 2009

Some of my highlights from Madagascar

by Kate Evangeli Octopus Day We’d been trained up in the art of how to sex an octopus which basically involves putting your fingers in the head, finding the correct tentacle and seeing if there is a sperm tube. It...

/ Sep 21, 2009

Identifying the Ocean

by Max Appelman. I’ve dived before. I’ve snorkelled dozens of times in the beautiful reefs of the Caribbean, lush with corals and schools of fish.

/ Sep 9, 2009

Selamat petang!

By Elise Schultheis I can’t believe it’s already my last day on the island! Four weeks on Tioman have gone by so fast! There’s no way I’ll be able to sum up all of the unforgettable adventures I’ve had in...

/ Jun 29, 2009

Expedition diary of Olivia Poller, age 13

By Olivia Poller My name’s Olivia Poller, I’m 13 years of age and from Australia. Recently Mum and Dad decided to go on an adventurous holiday to Madagascar, dragging my brother and myself along with them.

/ Jun 23, 2009

From the Antipodes to Andavadoaka

By Liz Poller We are almost into the last week of our expedition and I am starting to feel sad that we have to leave this paradise. For me the trip to Andavadoaka has been the best experience I have...

/ Jun 23, 2009

Malaysia research blog April-May 2009

Phew, expedition number one in the can, done, completed. It’s been a tough few weeks and jam packed with activities, research and outreach programs but it has flown by. It seems just yesterday that 8 sweating, pale but smiling volunteers...

/ Jun 23, 2009

Zen and the art of buoyancy control

By Liz Griffiths We are now half way through our six week expedition. Last week, the few dive ‘beginners' amongst us sat (and passed) our PADI Open Water exam.

/ Jun 9, 2009