Category: Indonesia

Connecting the dots: when partners get together
Twenty-five people from 11 organisations came together in Sulawesi for Blue Ventures’ second partner forum in Indonesia

Different contexts, shared approach
A learning exchange in West Kalimantan focused on the value of integrated approaches to conservation

The Educator
Women in Fisheries 4: an interview with Hani Nusantari of JARI

Building confidence through communication
Women in Fisheries 3: an interview with Mursiati of FORKANI

Toudani: inspiring a connection with land, ocean and culture
Women in Fisheries 2: an interview with Nurmayanti of FORKANI

Behind the lens: how communities helped craft a global film about locally led marine conservation
Communities in Comoros, Indonesia and Madagascar filmed the openings of their octopus fishery closures, bringing their own unique perspectives to this marine management approach.

Valued people, effective teams
Twenty-one colleagues from eight different countries came together to strengthen the bonds within the outreach team

From research to relationships
Women in Fisheries 1: an interview with Gayatri Reksodihardjo-Lilley, founder of Yayasan LINI

The Darawa community celebrates a fisheries management milestone
The first community-led temporary octopus fishery closure in Wakatobi was reopened on 2 September with much ceremony and celebration.

Communication is key! Contextualising health promotion in Kaledupa
Our Indonesian partner Forkani recently held a communication training for health workers to help increase community engagement with health issues on Kaledupa Island.

Breaking stereotypes: the Bulutui community starts to monitor their octopus fishery
A community meeting in the coastal village of Bulutui in Sulawesi inspires the establishment of a catch monitoring system and a move towards sustainable fishing practices.

LINI – leading the way for community-based octopus fishery management in Indonesia
Claudia and Ratih from our Indonesia team spent the day with partner organisation LINI, who are developing conservation initiatives with coastal Bajo communities.

All in the same boat: integrating conservation and health in Kaledupa
Our partner organisation Forkani recently hosted a workshop with the aim of fostering cross-sector partnerships between health and conservation groups in Kaledupa.

Grounded in evidence: monitoring octopus fisheries in Indonesia
Abigail Leadbeater and Charlie Gough from the Blue Ventures Monitoring and Evaluation team recently visited our new partners in Sulawesi to support them in their implementation of octopus fisheries monitoring

From Banggai cardinalfish to octopus: kickstarting community conservation in Indonesia
LINI, our inspirational new partner, is developing a new catalyst for conservation on Banggai Island, Sulawesi