Category: Madagascar

Sustainable living from the sea through community-led seaweed farming.
In Madagascar, members of the community of Belo-sur-Mer – primarily women – have taken up the challenge of village aquaculture. I had no future before seaweed farming. My sons had left the village, and I could not support myself because...

Adopting LMMAs – selfless actions for the security of future coastal generations
As we headed out on the bumpy road to Ambolobozobe in the northeast of Madagascar, there was a sense of anticipation. We were going to meet the coastal communities who are successfully managing multiple Locally Managed Marine Areas (LMMAs) as...

When the students became the teachers: a new locally led ecological monitoring team in southwest Madagascar
In June, the local ecological monitoring team from Velondriake travelled to Manjaboake to pass on its skills to its first set of students It was an early sunny morning in June as we packed our kit into the boat on...

Guardians of blue carbon
Ahead of International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, hear from a Blue Ventures blue carbon scientist about how communities in Madagascar are working to protect these precious forests – and the climate

Voices from Tsimipaika Bay: local solutions to community management
Fisher voices: Madame Véronique and Franklin Velotody share local solutions to marine conservation and explain why it’s so important for their village

Building community governance: adapting lessons learned in northwest Madagascar (part 2)
In part two of his story, Zo Andriamahenina shares the experiences of communities in Mahajamba Bay, who are managing their natural marine resources, inspired by learning exchanges with other communities

The quest for sustainable charcoal
Meet Ambanja’s fuelwood producers who are preserving northwest Madagascar’s mangrove forests by planting brown salwood trees to sustainably produce charcoal for cooking

Building community governance: adapting lessons learned in northwest Madagascar (part 1)
After working with the communities of Tsimipaika Bay to successfully secure the management rights of over 6,000 hectares of mangroves, Zo Andriamahenina is replicating and adapting what he learned for his latest mission in Mahajamba Bay

Reducing post-catch losses: small-scale fishers in Mahajamba Bay test out hot smoking to preserve their catch
For communities living in remote fishing villages in northwest Madagascar, hot smoking is providing a lifeline, enabling them to better preserve their fish

Science and tradition: expanding Velondriake’s no-take zones through community action
Using a traditional fishing technique called 'jarifa', the community association in Velondriake, southwest Madagascar, have expanded their marine reserves to safeguard their future

Science and tradition: exchanging knowledge to drive marine conservation in Velondriake
Five Vezo community members from Andavadoaka join forces to form the first local diving ecological monitoring team in the Velondriake locally managed marine area

A visit to see Kokoly
In March 2020, Paul Antion visited Madame Kokoly, of Blue Ventures’ award-winning short film

A lever for change: learning to read and write in Mahajamba Bay
For small-scale fishing communities living in remote areas of Madagascar, illiteracy is a common barrier to managing their natural marine resources

From reproductive health to COVID-19: thirteen years of responding to community health needs
As we celebrate thirteen years of supporting community health, our Safidy teams continue to show their unrelenting dedication as they navigate the COVID-19 pandemic