Category: Madagascar

Using smartphones to improve community health

For community health workers in remote parts of Madagascar, smartphones can be a real game changer

/ Jun 12, 2019

Health for all: putting words into action

Celebrating World Health Day with communities and partners in northwest Madagascar

/ Jun 3, 2019

Behind the lens: how communities helped craft a global film about locally led marine conservation

Communities in Comoros, Indonesia and Madagascar filmed the openings of their octopus fishery closures, bringing their own unique perspectives to this marine management approach.

/ May 22, 2019

Making fisheries management fun

Using an interactive game to explain the principles behind fisheries management

/ May 9, 2019

Farming the sea: sharing learning in Zanzibar

Our aquaculture team shared their experiences with community-based sea cucumber farming at a learning exchange in Zanzibar.

/ Mar 22, 2019

Back to school time

A short film from southwest Madagascar shows young people returning to class thanks to your support.

/ Feb 26, 2019

Value and connection: five moments of personal and professional change

Blue Ventures trustee Fran Humber reflects on the changes she saw during her 13 years as a staff member.

/ Jan 25, 2019
Njaka and Nantenaina with the Madagascar PHE Network poster

Family planning: a holistic issue

Njaka and Nantenaina travel to Rwanda to find that they're not alone in seeing the links between family planning and environmental conservation.

/ Jan 17, 2019

Geo for Good: from Ambanja to Sunnyvale

Zo Andriamahenina left northwest Madagascar for Sunnyvale, California, to attend Google’s Geo for Good User Summit and learn more about how Google’s tools can help with natural resource management.

/ Dec 6, 2018
Christelle and the trainees capturing a colony from a tree

Bees are friendly insects: launching beekeeping in southwest Madagascar

Since joining Blue Ventures, Christelle has successfully captured wild bee colonies and travelled the length of Madagascar to learn more about community-led beekeeping.

/ Nov 15, 2018
Ambiky village in Tsimipaika Bay | Photo: Adrian Levrel

Fisheries management that works for everyone

For three years, Blue Ventures has been working with stakeholders and communities in Tsimipaika Bay, northwest Madagascar, to develop an innovative, integrated and consensual Fisheries Management Plan.

/ Oct 31, 2018

Opening day in the Barren Isles

Two fishing communities in the Barren Isles archipelago of western Madagascar recently closed part of their octopus fishing grounds for two months. Was the wait worth it? Caroline Holo tells the full story from opening day

/ Sep 26, 2018

Collaborating for child and maternal health in Ambanja

An information and exchange session in Ambanja, northwest Madagascar, has led to increased collaboration between traditional birth attendants and government health workers

/ Sep 12, 2018