Results for: community exchange

Joan’s trip from Kwale to Kilwa: witnessing the benefits of octopus fishery closures and gender diversity
Joan Otengo joined Blue Ventures in March 2023 as the Partner Support Coordinator for Kenya. Joan recently participated in a learning visit to Kilwa, Tanzania with the beach management unit (BMU) members from Kwale, Kenya. Here, she shares her personal...

Empowering Ende: monitoring coral reefs for thriving fisheries
How local expertise and data-driven conservation are reviving octopus fisheries in Ende, Indonesia Arya Dhani joined Blue Ventures in November 2022 as a Fisheries and Data Technician in Indonesia. Arya uses his fisheries management expertise to provide technical support to...

‘This land is ours’: exploring new partnerships with Tiniguena in Guinea-Bissau
As we approached the remote island of Formosa at sundown after a two-hour boat ride from Guinea-Bissau’s capital Bissau, I was overwhelmed by the vibrant nature that surrounded us. Fish eagles greeted us with eerie calls, and flocks of pelicans...

Sharing nature-based customary practices to drive climate change adaptation across the Pacific
BV's Country Director in Timor-Leste, Birgit Hermann, on her recent trip to Fiji with conservation leaders from the region to launch new projects to strengthen the resilience of Pacific islands to climate change by using nature-based solutions.

Improving the health status of coastal communities through health-environment partnership forums
Soon after joining Yayasan Pesisir Lestari (YPL) in 2021, I had the opportunity to meet our partners integrating health interventions into their conservation work at a forum. I was both excited and nervous to host such a forum with YPL...

Darawa fishers: Moving away from destructive fishing to become leaders in coastal resource management
In the early 2000s, some fishers from Darawa island, located southwest of the Kaledupa sub-district of Wakatobi Regency in Indonesia, caught fish by destructive methods. The previously uninhabited island lacked plantations, and the fishers who moved there from the nearby...

Mapping the future: communities come together to discuss locally managed marine areas in Timor-Leste
In February, nine coastal communities from across Timor-Leste came together in Beto-Tasi for the biggest learning exchange ever organised by Blue Ventures in the country.

Dahari garde la pêche: keeping fishers’ spirits high
Back in February, fishing communities on the Comorian island of Anjouan saw a record-breaking octopus catch at their most recent octopus fishery reopening

From global to local, and back again
Birgit Hermann, Country Manager for Blue Ventures in Timor-Leste, shares her experiences of being a Rotary Peace Fellow amongst global peers, and what it means for community conservation impact

The quest for sustainable charcoal
Meet Ambanja’s fuelwood producers who are preserving northwest Madagascar’s mangrove forests by planting brown salwood trees to sustainably produce charcoal for cooking

From small-scale fishers to ecotourism entrepreneurs
In Timor-Leste, ecotourism is a growing trade and is enabling coastal communities to diversify their livelihoods. In the community of Beto Tasi new families are now opening the doors of their homestay businesses.

Meeting new partners and inspiring good governance in Ilha de Moçambique
Jamen Mussa, Blue Ventures’ new Fisheries Officer in Mozambique, joined our partner Oikos to support a training session on governance and conflict management in Ilha de Moçambique

Catch monitoring is not just about data, it’s a way to engage entire communities
Octopus fishers in Mohéli National Park in the Comoros celebrate a fishery reopening whilst the park staff lead catch monitoring for the first time

A knowledge journey through Madagascar
Our new Knowledge Development Manager, Jenny Oates, takes us on a journey through Madagascar to discover what knowledge means at Blue Ventures