Octopus are Growing, Volunteers are Diving

This week does marks an important event here in Andavadoaka: the reopening after several months closure of the three octopus ‘reserves’. The fervent hope amongst villages and NGOs alike is that, having been left to their own devices for nearly...

/ Apr 25, 2006

A Fond Farewell From Celia

We’ve had a spate of bad weather recently which has made diving difficult or impossible – roaring winds from the south being the culprit. The sea looks pretty calm this morning though so with any luck the visibility will improve...

/ Apr 18, 2006

It’s Goodbye from Expedition 20

The last few days of the expedition were immense. All the difficult things were less difficult and all the amazing things were more amazing. The last few diveswere exploratory or recreational and we found a new site, Lovo Be, which...

/ Mar 28, 2006

And a Little Bit More

It’s a very low tide in Andavadoaka today and the inviting blue sea that was lapping at the beach this morning has retreated almost to the fringing reef, leaving large expanses of brown reef flat to be baked quietly in...

/ Mar 15, 2006

And Now From Our Lovely Interns On Site Sabrina & Leanne

There have been a couple of days of bad visibility in the near shore dive sites recently, so after a couple of aborted dives, it was all we could do to keep our spirits up. Then amazingly the Fish Bowl...

/ Mar 15, 2006

Celia Colquhoun-King Reporting from Andavadoaka

Zebu: Malagache cow with impressive set of horns Zebu cart: cart with rudimentary suspension and two zebu attached. Zebu cart to the baobabs: obscure form of torture invented by staff for staff and volunteers. It was something of an impromptu...

/ Mar 7, 2006

Here We Are From Andavadoaka

We’ve been back on site now in Andavadoaka for nearly three weeks, and most of the dive training is out of the way. The remaining trainees should finish their Advanced open water in the next few days and they will...

/ Feb 28, 2006

BV Workshop

BV held a workshop over the weekend with the aim of presenting results from our on-going research and to introduce our new Socioeconomic Monitoring Project, which is part of the SocMon Western Indian Ocean (WIO) initiative aiming to expand socio-economic...

/ Feb 22, 2006

Sustainable Tourism Certification Programs

Sustainable tourism certification programs were under the spotlight at a consultative meeting sponsored and convened by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). There is still little quantifiable data available on the ability of these schemes to promote change. Consumer recognition...

/ Feb 15, 2006

And Back to Site…

It’s the start of a new expedition here in Andavadoaka, after an eventful week-long inter-phase in Toliara. Inter-phase (the period between two expeditions) is usually a time for permanent staff to stock up on provisions and to check emails, but...

/ Feb 14, 2006

A Bit About Site

Following another 27 hour epic boutre journey BV staff and new expedition 21 have arrived safe and sound on site. If only the same could be said for the site itself! Following the cyclone that hit on the 2nd some...

/ Feb 14, 2006

Go Mathieu Go

We would like to call for support for Madagascar’s 1st entrant into the winter olympics, 2006. Yes believe it or not this tropical island has entered its very own athlete, Mathieu Razanokolona (Canadian-born) in the slalom and giant slalom events....

/ Feb 9, 2006

Are These Guys Nit-picking or What??

Ok, we’re sorry. It would appear that the previous ‘Teeny Tiny Fish’ blog gave false information. It has been reported in the past couple of years that two other fish claim to be smaller still. These are the male stout...

/ Feb 7, 2006

They’ve Found Oil!

Madagascar’s oil potential has lead to hopes for development following the opening of an ExxonMobil operation on Friday. It is believed that the NW coast could have as much as 7-10 billion barrels of oil. Drilling for this source has...

/ Jan 31, 2006

Teeny Tiny Fish

An article on BBC News has reported that scientists have found one of the smallest fish on record in the peat swamps on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Measuring a mere 7.9mm, this fascinating of fish has abandoned some of...

/ Jan 30, 2006