Category: Blue Forests
We’re supporting coastal communities to link the conservation of mangrove, seagrass and coastal wetland habitats with international carbon markets and other payments for ecosystem services.

Gambian youth group championing green initiatives for a healthier environment
In an effort to make a real difference in their community and address issues related to the environment, members of the Sanyang Youths for Environmental Protection and Development (SANYEPD) are making waves with their hands-on approach to mangrove restoration and...

Embarking on a sustainable shrimp journey in Indragiri Hilir, Indonesia
Inayah joined Blue Ventures Indonesia as a Fisheries and Data Technician in June 2023. Her role involves supporting local partners with data collection, analysis, and reporting. In her first blog, she talks about how the first shrimp stock assessment carried...

Learning exchanges inspire mangrove forest conservation in Indonesia
Yoga Putra joined Blue Ventures in August 2023 as the Global Senior Communications Officer for Asia-Pacific. Yoga recently participated in a learning visit to Surabaya, East Java in Indonesia, with community representatives from villages in Indragiri Hilir, Riau. Here, he...

Our first-ever peer-to-peer learning exchange on blue carbon ecosystems in Madagascar
Holly Elgar joined Blue Ventures in 2022 as a Senior Scoping Officer for blue carbon ecosystems. Holly uses her expertise to identify potential sites to expand our community-led mangrove management projects around the world. Here she talks about her recent...

Participatory mud crab monitoring paves way to sustainable mangrove management
The livelihoods of many Indonesian coastal communities, like the Perigi Raja and Sapat communities of Indragiri Hilir Regency of Riau Province, depend on mud crab fisheries to meet their daily needs. The regency has extensive mangrove forests covering up to...

Supporting community-led mangrove conservation in Indragiri Hilir
A new chapter for Blue Ventures’ mangrove conservation support in Indonesia

Guardians of blue carbon
Ahead of International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, hear from a Blue Ventures blue carbon scientist about how communities in Madagascar are working to protect these precious forests – and the climate

When communities get together: protecting the mangroves of Kubu Raya
In this mangrove-dense region of Indonesia where mud crab fishing is the primary livelihood, six communities are working together to conserve the ecosystem

The quest for sustainable charcoal
Meet Ambanja’s fuelwood producers who are preserving northwest Madagascar’s mangrove forests by planting brown salwood trees to sustainably produce charcoal for cooking

Voices of the mangroves
Stories from colleagues, friends and community members who dedicate their lives to the mangroves of Madagascar

Coming together to protect the mangroves of Sembilang, western Indonesia’s largest blue forest
Journey into the dense mangroves of Sembilang National Park where we are working with Yayasan Hutan Biru to protect these magnificent forests

Our ongoing journey: exploring the challenges and lessons learned about community engagement in conservation
Sharing learning on community engagement in conservation in Tsimipaika Bay

Blue carbon moments
Ismaël Ratefinjanahary reflects on some of the landmark moments in Blue Ventures’ blue carbon journey

Emmanuel’s story: fuelwood plantations in Tsimipaika Bay
Wood is an indispensable resource for communities in Madagascar, but forests are disappearing at an alarming rate