Category: Education

We’re supporting coastal communities to develop the skills they need to diversify their livelihoods and manage their marine resources sustainably, from school scholarships through to environmental education and technical training.

Beautiful butterflies in the butterfly reserve

Education helps to change hearts and minds in Belize

by Rohsny, BV volunteer, Belize Despite its laidback charm, Sarteneja in Belize is a small, fairly insular community that has faced considerable hardship during the past half century. Also, as is true in many other places, the grown-ups in charge...

/ Apr 22, 2013

School on a Saturday?

by Christine Foulkes, BV volunteer, Madagascar The walk to school was interesting. We negotiated the daily route leading down to the boats in  the bay. Then we turned into the narrow passage way at the edge of the village, through...

/ Feb 28, 2013

The sweet taste of success in Saturday School

by Marzia Garin, former Education and Youth Coordinator, Madagascar In mid-November, the children at Saturday School had a very special guest: the Swiss NGO ADES (The Association for the Development of Solar Energy). ADES travelled down to Andavadoaka to teach...

/ Feb 7, 2013

Have you ever encountered a live sea cucumber?

by Taylor Mayol, Communications and Programme Development Officer, Madagascar I hadn’t either until just a few months ago. I knew I was in for a wild ride during my fellowship after I dove into a crystal clear turquoise bay in...

/ Feb 1, 2013

Schools (not) out for summer

by Marzia Garin, Education and Scholarships Coordinator, Madagascar It’s September in Andavadoaka, and like many places across the world, the school year is about to begin. However, unlike many places across the world, these students are genuinely excited about the...

/ Oct 29, 2012

Mission possible

by Viviane Jeannie, Scholars Coordinator, Madagascar Part of my job as scholarship coordinator is to purchase school materials for each new school year for all of our sponsored students. In the 2012 – 2013 school year, that meant shopping for...

/ Oct 4, 2012

Welcome to the Velondriake JRC / FTM2V

by HERINDRAIBE, Junior Reporters Club, Madagascar Ny FTM2V dia fikambanana hoan’ny Tanora Mpikaroka sy Mpampita Vaovao ato amin’ny faritra Velondriake sy manodidina azy. Ny fomba fiasan’ny FTM2V dia miara-miasa amin’ny projets misy ato amin’ny Blue Ventures sy ny fokon’olona eto an-toerana,...

/ Jul 17, 2012

Sea cucumbers paving the way to education

by Fran Humber, Conservation Programmes Manager, London Working from the London office of Blue Ventures, it can be easy to forget, underneath the piles of emails and reports, how the projects our colleagues in the field work hard on actually...

/ Jul 4, 2012

Sign me up for Saturday school!

by Merike Bruen, Education Programme Volunteer, Madagascar As I approached the bright yellow school house that sunny Saturday morning, the shrieks of excited children were already audible. Smiling kids proudly sporting their crisp, new, white UNICEF t-shirts raced to the...

/ Jun 26, 2012

Having fun at the Club Aloalo Environmental Festival

by Jeremy Pivor, Blue Ventures volunteer, Madagascar Last Saturday (4th Feb) I had the fortunate opportunity to go to a festival put on by kids from Club Aloalo. For those that don’t know, Club Aloalo is an environmental youth club...

/ Feb 14, 2012

Connecting the dots…

by Jo Hudson, Science Intern, Blue Ventures Head Office Connecting Classrooms is the joint project between UNICEF and Blue Ventures, which will enhance our community-based conservation programmes through innovative, technological teaching tools for the youth of coastal southwest Madagascar. By using...

/ Jan 26, 2012

Feom’bezo (the Voice of the Vezo) radio show

The Velondriake Management Committee works hard to keep the community informed about its many conservation activities, and how these benefit the community. In September 2011, Velondriake began producing a bi-monthly radio show in partnership with Blue Ventures, called Feom’Bezo (The...

/ Jan 12, 2012