Category: Rebuilding Fisheries

We’re supporting coastal communities to manage their fisheries, establishing periodic reserves and adding value to seafood supply chains.

Revitalising ‘sasi’ – relying on indigenous laws and traditions to protect the ocean in Maluku – Indonesia

This post is the first of a 3-part series on the use of customary law (sasi) by communities from Maluku archipelago in Indonesia and how these practices have helped communities to rebuild their fisheries. My first experience of Sasi September...

/ Sep 15, 2021

Adopting LMMAs – selfless actions for the security of future coastal generations

As we headed out on the bumpy road to Ambolobozobe in the northeast of Madagascar, there was a sense of anticipation. We were going to meet the coastal communities who are successfully managing multiple Locally Managed Marine Areas (LMMAs) as...

/ Sep 3, 2021

Relying on local knowledge to preserve key biodiversity sites in the Comoros

the power of data and local knowledge in local fisheries management An array of colours fill my eyes when I put my head underwater – blue, red, yellow and green is what I see as the fish move over beautiful...

/ Aug 19, 2021

When the students became the teachers: a new locally led ecological monitoring team in southwest Madagascar

In June, the local ecological monitoring team from Velondriake travelled to Manjaboake to pass on its skills to its first set of students It was an early sunny morning in June as we packed our kit into the boat on...

/ Aug 9, 2021

Mama Hamisi: an inspiration for women in Kenya’s small-scale fisheries

Once a pastry seller, Mama Hamisi is now an octopus gleaner, seaweed farmer, closure area patroller and community steward in Kibuyuni

/ Jun 18, 2021

Voices from Tsimipaika Bay: local solutions to community management

Fisher voices: Madame Véronique and Franklin Velotody share local solutions to marine conservation and explain why it’s so important for their village

/ Jun 11, 2021

From Sumatra to Sulawesi: a long journey to meet a fellow fishing community

In Indonesia, our partners are bringing communities together to share their experiences of locally led fisheries management. These exchanges are known as ‘Anjangsana Mitra’.

/ Jun 3, 2021

Activistas: the voice of fishing communities in Nampula Province

With support from Oikos and Blue Ventures, 'activistas', or community outreach workers, are working to improve community-led fisheries management efforts across Mozambique's Nampula Province

/ May 19, 2021

When communities get together: protecting the mangroves of Kubu Raya

In this mangrove-dense region of Indonesia where mud crab fishing is the primary livelihood, six communities are working together to conserve the ecosystem

/ May 7, 2021

Tunasonga kama ngalawa: slow but steady as we navigate the pandemic

Despite the ever-changing impacts of COVID-19, coastal communities in Kenya are learning to adapt

/ Apr 28, 2021

Dahari garde la pêche: keeping fishers’ spirits high

Back in February, fishing communities on the Comorian island of Anjouan saw a record-breaking octopus catch at their most recent octopus fishery reopening

/ Apr 21, 2021

Catalysing community engagement: lessons learned from the Barren Isles

In 2018, communities in the Barren Isles established their first temporary octopus fishery closure. Now, they are taking the lead in local fisheries management efforts.

Giving back to seagrass

In the Trang province of southern Thailand, seagrass is more than just food and jobs – it enables communities to uphold their cultural identity. Now it's time to give back.

/ Apr 7, 2021

Harmonising community-led fisheries management within Uwedikan’s marine protected area

"We would be devastated if our house was destroyed. This also applies to coral reefs. We pay for our children to go to school using the fish we catch, so we need to protect their house, the coral reef."

/ Mar 18, 2021

Anjangsana Mitra: learning through community exchanges in North Minahasa

“We all have two hands, so if they can manage their octopus fisheries, we can too”

/ Feb 26, 2021