Category: Working holistically

Ink to interface: digitising data in Southeast Asia
Wahyu Dita Septiani is Blue Ventures’ fisheries and data coordinator for Indonesia. Her role ensures that data are unified and optimised, supporting communities in making adaptive decisions for thriving fisheries. Here, Dita dives into her journey in data management in...

Nurturing leadership in African marine conservation
This is the first post in a series featuring some of the first marine conservation leaders participating in the African Marine Conservation Leadership Programme that Blue Ventures and Maliasili started in 2020. They share their leadership journeys as part of the...

Somali to Kenya: A learning exchange to share knowledge and forge friendships
As we worked to finalise planning for this learning visit, we were unsure how it would turn out. After a year without guests, when COVID-19 travel restrictions eased late last year, we were excited about hosting representatives of Adeso, Secure...

The power of data for community co-management in Tanzania
A history of invisible conflict When we started working in marine conservation in the early 2000s, we quickly realised that data is an essential tool to help us understand the state of our fisheries and marine ecosystems. We focused mainly...

Madam Mwanatumu: taking action and advocating for equality
Through action and change for equality The role of women in the fisheries sector cannot be further emphasized as they are key actors and players in forging connections between fishers and the market. While a fisherman’s role may mainly involve...

Five years in Timor-Leste
Birgit Hermann (country director) and Oldegar 'Ollie' Massinga (operations manager) who head up the Blue Ventures team in Timor-Leste, reflect on five years of working with communities to drive locally led marine conservation in the country

Conservation leadership: nurturing collaboration for the African marine conservation sector
Strengthening relationships in the final week of training for the first cohort of the African Marine Conservation Leadership Programme

Challenging gender barriers: an interview with Timor-Leste’s first female Divemaster
This International Women’s Day we are celebrating an extraordinary woman. Mima’s story is one of passion, courage and perseverance.

From global to local, and back again
Birgit Hermann, Country Manager for Blue Ventures in Timor-Leste, shares her experiences of being a Rotary Peace Fellow amongst global peers, and what it means for community conservation impact

The quest for sustainable charcoal
Meet Ambanja’s fuelwood producers who are preserving northwest Madagascar’s mangrove forests by planting brown salwood trees to sustainably produce charcoal for cooking

From small-scale fishers to ecotourism entrepreneurs
In Timor-Leste, ecotourism is a growing trade and is enabling coastal communities to diversify their livelihoods. In the community of Beto Tasi new families are now opening the doors of their homestay businesses.

From Sarteneja Village to diving the reefs of the Caribbean Sea: my journey with Blue Ventures
“One thing I’ve learned throughout my life is that if you take chances you can either succeed or work yourself into succeeding”

A lever for change: learning to read and write in Mahajamba Bay
For small-scale fishing communities living in remote areas of Madagascar, illiteracy is a common barrier to managing their natural marine resources

Understanding the struggles of coastal women and men living through the pandemic in Indonesia
Our partner network in Indonesia are speaking with coastal communities whose livelihoods have been impacted by COVID-19