Category: Working holistically

From reproductive health to COVID-19: thirteen years of responding to community health needs
As we celebrate thirteen years of supporting community health, our Safidy teams continue to show their unrelenting dedication as they navigate the COVID-19 pandemic

Towards resilience: responding to economic shocks caused by the COVID-19 crisis
With our partners, we are mobilising around the world to help support locally led conservation efforts against the current crisis, safeguarding food security and livelihoods for coastal communities in this turbulent time.

Going beyond conservation: responding to community health needs during the COVID-19 pandemic
On World Health Day, we express gratitude to health care workers, our community health team and the Blue Ventures family for working together to respond to this crisis

A family reunion in Madagascar: highlights from the Blue Ventures Team Conference 2019
Two hundred Blue Ventures staff from across the world met in the highlands of Madagascar to learn, share, sing and dance, energising the team to meet the challenges of the new decade ahead

Making space for health: building community health huts in Madagascar
Supporting five communities in northern Madagascar to unlock access to basic healthcare by working together to fund, design and build dedicated health huts

Curiosity, discomfort, new understanding: an insider’s account of our latest health-environment research
How did it feel when we placed our integrated health-environment programme under scrutiny?

Different contexts, shared approach
A learning exchange in West Kalimantan focused on the value of integrated approaches to conservation

Beyond population: reaffirming our rights-led approach to marine conservation
On World Population Day, it’s time to have a more nuanced discussion about population dynamics and sustainability that centres the rights of people in the global south while recognising the responsibilities of people in the global north

Using smartphones to improve community health
For community health workers in remote parts of Madagascar, smartphones can be a real game changer

Health for all: putting words into action
Celebrating World Health Day with communities and partners in northwest Madagascar

The role of Safidy: reflecting on Blue Ventures’ community health programme
Why does a marine conservation organisation work in community health?

Family planning: a holistic issue
Njaka and Nantenaina travel to Rwanda to find that they're not alone in seeing the links between family planning and environmental conservation.

Communication is key! Contextualising health promotion in Kaledupa
Our Indonesian partner Forkani recently held a communication training for health workers to help increase community engagement with health issues on Kaledupa Island.

Progress, experience and passion: 11 years of supporting community health services in Madagascar
11 years ago today, Blue Ventures made the decision to diversify its approach and support local health service provision. In this blog Nick Reed-Krase reflects on the development, accomplishments and future of the Safidy programme.

PHE training brings new partners together in the Lamu Archipelago
By working in partnership using the PHE approach, Safari Doctors and the Northern Rangeland Trust are looking to increase their impact in isolated communities in Kenya.