Category: Series

Nurain Lapolo: “Women are on the frontlines of this fight on climate breakdown”
Women in Fisheries 8: Nurain Lapolo is the first female director of Japesda, a community-based organisation that works with small-scale fishing communities in Gorontalo and Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

Staff perspectives: reflecting on 2020 and looking towards a new year for marine conservation
Blue Ventures staff from across the world share their thoughts on 2020 and what’s to come for their teams in 2021

Reflections from my balcony: working with community fisheries management groups in Kwale County
Yvonne Muyia, Project Assistant at Blue Ventures’ partner COMRED, reflects on her experience of training three Beach Management Units in coastal Kenya

Maryana and the octopus fisherwomen of Merpas Village
Women in Fisheries 7: Pramasty Ayu Koesdinar, Programme Coordinator at AKAR Foundation, shares her story of meeting Maryana, an octopus fisher from Indonesia

Sharing octopus knowledge: it’s fun and it’s virtual!
To mark World Octopus Day, Rayhan shares his story of an octopus data collection workshop with our Indonesian partner, Japesda

Understanding the struggles of coastal women and men living through the pandemic in Indonesia
Our partner network in Indonesia are speaking with coastal communities whose livelihoods have been impacted by COVID-19

Meeting new partners and inspiring good governance in Ilha de Moçambique
Jamen Mussa, Blue Ventures’ new Fisheries Officer in Mozambique, joined our partner Oikos to support a training session on governance and conflict management in Ilha de Moçambique

Being agile in the age of a pandemic
Blue Ventures partner organisations in Indonesia show their ability to adapt to the impacts of COVID-19 and continue to support communities

Bridging the mountains and the sea
Women in Fisheries 6: “The sea and the mountains are interconnected, it is an inseparable unity.” An interview with Metty Wasa, Office Manager, Tananua Foundation in Indonesia

Towards resilience: responding to economic shocks caused by the COVID-19 crisis
With our partners, we are mobilising around the world to help support locally led conservation efforts against the current crisis, safeguarding food security and livelihoods for coastal communities in this turbulent time.

Learning and growing together: improving the effectiveness of MPAs needs everyone
Across the world’s oceans, there are thousands of square kilometres of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), but ensuring their effective management is still a work in progress

Rumah Boboca: preserving ‘the Home of Octopus’ in the village of Bulutui
In the heart of the Coral Triangle, a community of octopus fishers in the village of Bulutui have been transforming their lives for the better.

Locally led conservation: listening, persevering and working together
Women in Fisheries 5: an interview with Ami Raini Putriraya, Site Manager for North Minahasa, Perkumpulan YAPEKA

We found our voice: Pate Island community’s journey in marine conservation
For Pate Island community members celebrating the first octopus fishery closures in Kenya, local fishery management has meant much more than just improving catches

Not your average workshop: ICT4Fisheries 2019
Fishers, NGOs, academics, businesses and government representatives gathered in Cape Town to share their experiences of using technology for small-scale fisheries