Category: Thought

What global conservation lessons can be learnt from Madagascar?
In this week’s blog we pass the mic to a global expert on marine conservation, IUCN's Professor Dan Laffoley, who visited our programmes in Madagascar earlier this year.

Celebrating our staff on International Women’s Day
We ask 5 of our staff in Madagascar about the best bits of working in conservation, what excites and challenges them, and what their hopes and fears for the future are.

Celebrating the mission that unites us
After three exciting days we hit the road with a shared feeling that binds us all to our vision: to rebuild tropical fisheries with the coastal communities that depend on them.

Climate-resilient development? We’re doing it already!
What is resilience? And what does “climate-resilient development” actually mean?

Celebrating World Fisheries Day in Comoros
This World Fisheries day, we are celebrating a new initiative for marine conservation and fishery management in the Comoros.

Open source conservation
Blue Ventures' Al Harris writes his thoughts on the future of conservation from the front line of our work in Madagascar.

Turning the tide on marine plastics
Let’s set the scene, we’re on a beautiful white sand beach, dotted with palm trees; a remote tropical paradise, miles away from human habitation. As the tide retreats what’s that left behind in the strandline? Intermixed with the usual bits...