Tag: community-led data collection

Ink to interface: digitising data in Southeast Asia
Wahyu Dita Septiani is Blue Ventures’ fisheries and data coordinator for Indonesia. Her role ensures that data are unified and optimised, supporting communities in making adaptive decisions for thriving fisheries. Here, Dita dives into her journey in data management in...

Empowering Ende: monitoring coral reefs for thriving fisheries
How local expertise and data-driven conservation are reviving octopus fisheries in Ende, Indonesia Arya Dhani joined Blue Ventures in November 2022 as a Fisheries and Data Technician in Indonesia. Arya uses his fisheries management expertise to provide technical support to...

Participatory mud crab monitoring paves way to sustainable mangrove management
The livelihoods of many Indonesian coastal communities, like the Perigi Raja and Sapat communities of Indragiri Hilir Regency of Riau Province, depend on mud crab fisheries to meet their daily needs. The regency has extensive mangrove forests covering up to...

The power of data for community co-management in Tanzania
A history of invisible conflict When we started working in marine conservation in the early 2000s, we quickly realised that data is an essential tool to help us understand the state of our fisheries and marine ecosystems. We focused mainly...

Darawa fishers: Moving away from destructive fishing to become leaders in coastal resource management
In the early 2000s, some fishers from Darawa island, located southwest of the Kaledupa sub-district of Wakatobi Regency in Indonesia, caught fish by destructive methods. The previously uninhabited island lacked plantations, and the fishers who moved there from the nearby...

Guardians of blue carbon
Ahead of International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, hear from a Blue Ventures blue carbon scientist about how communities in Madagascar are working to protect these precious forests – and the climate

Activistas: the voice of fishing communities in Nampula Province
With support from Oikos and Blue Ventures, 'activistas', or community outreach workers, are working to improve community-led fisheries management efforts across Mozambique's Nampula Province