Tag: covid-19

Tunasonga kama ngalawa: slow but steady as we navigate the pandemic
Despite the ever-changing impacts of COVID-19, coastal communities in Kenya are learning to adapt

From global to local, and back again
Birgit Hermann, Country Manager for Blue Ventures in Timor-Leste, shares her experiences of being a Rotary Peace Fellow amongst global peers, and what it means for community conservation impact

Understanding the struggles of coastal women and men living through the pandemic in Indonesia
Our partner network in Indonesia are speaking with coastal communities whose livelihoods have been impacted by COVID-19

Small but mighty: team Timor-Leste unites to take on COVID-19
In his new role as acting country manager in Timor-Leste, Oldegar Massinga explains why he’s not worried about the challenges that lie ahead

From reproductive health to COVID-19: thirteen years of responding to community health needs
As we celebrate thirteen years of supporting community health, our Safidy teams continue to show their unrelenting dedication as they navigate the COVID-19 pandemic

Tackling a global pandemic, one note at a time
Meet the Malagasy creatives using the power of music and film to raise awareness of COVID-19 in hard-to-reach coastal communities

Being agile in the age of a pandemic
Blue Ventures partner organisations in Indonesia show their ability to adapt to the impacts of COVID-19 and continue to support communities

The community perspective: how COVID-19 is impacting the lives of coastal people in Kenya
Through frequent phone calls, Agatha Ogada, Blue Ventures' Partner Support Technician in Kenya, has been learning what the COVID-19 pandemic means for coastal communities in Kwale County

Towards resilience: responding to economic shocks caused by the COVID-19 crisis
With our partners, we are mobilising around the world to help support locally led conservation efforts against the current crisis, safeguarding food security and livelihoods for coastal communities in this turbulent time.