Tag: diving

Challenging gender barriers: an interview with Timor-Leste’s first female Divemaster
This International Women’s Day we are celebrating an extraordinary woman. Mima’s story is one of passion, courage and perseverance.

From Sarteneja Village to diving the reefs of the Caribbean Sea: my journey with Blue Ventures
“One thing I’ve learned throughout my life is that if you take chances you can either succeed or work yourself into succeeding”

International Year of the Reef: why 2018 is the year to get involved!
Coral reefs are facing increasing global threats, but there’s still hope for these vital ecosystems...

Learning on the job: Tyrell’s journey to reef conservation
Tyrell Reyes, our Science Coordinator in Belize, tells the story of how his evolving role with Blue Ventures has given him opportunities to contribute to the conservation of his country’s coral reefs.

A cetacean migration! The whales and dolphins have arrived
Our Timor-Leste expeditions are based in Ataúro Island, which just happens to be a global hotspot for cetacean sightings. Sounds like a whale of a time!

Expedition volunteers hit north Velondriake!
[avatar user=”madison” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”http://blog.blueventures.org/author/madison/” target=”_blank” /] by Madison Kane, Expedition Manager, Madagascar Blue Ventures’ expeditions, is by no means just focused on diving. Though dive training and surveying plays a large part in expeditions life, there are many opportunities...

Belief in the Reef!
[avatar user=”marc” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”http://blog.blueventures.org/author/marc/” target=”_blank” /] by Marc Fruitema, Community Officer, Belize As we squeezed ourselves under the narrow roof of a snack tent, sheltering from the fifth squall to disrupt the fair that day, our spirits and energy were...