Tag: learning exchange

Learning exchanges – the gateway to knowledge sharing and networking for local fishers
Sustainable fisheries management is often dependent on localised knowledge. Local communities have been present for in situ observation of their resources for many years and possess insights that can be traced back generations. Though not usually formally recorded, this valuable...

Joan’s trip from Kwale to Kilwa: witnessing the benefits of octopus fishery closures and gender diversity
Joan Otengo joined Blue Ventures in March 2023 as the Partner Support Coordinator for Kenya. Joan recently participated in a learning visit to Kilwa, Tanzania with the beach management unit (BMU) members from Kwale, Kenya. Here, she shares her personal...

Learning exchanges inspire mangrove forest conservation in Indonesia
Yoga Putra joined Blue Ventures in August 2023 as the Global Senior Communications Officer for Asia-Pacific. Yoga recently participated in a learning visit to Surabaya, East Java in Indonesia, with community representatives from villages in Indragiri Hilir, Riau. Here, he...

Our first-ever peer-to-peer learning exchange on blue carbon ecosystems in Madagascar
Holly Elgar joined Blue Ventures in 2022 as a Senior Scoping Officer for blue carbon ecosystems. Holly uses her expertise to identify potential sites to expand our community-led mangrove management projects around the world. Here she talks about her recent...

Community conservation offers hope for sustainable fisheries on the Kenyan coast
The situation It used to be easy for fishing communities on the Kenyan coast to know when the seasons would change, the winds would peak, and the sea would be safe to access because the weather forecasts were more stable....

An exchange visit to Pate Island, Lamu Archipelago – inspiring change in community-led fisheries and conservation
Munje to Pate – the start of learning There was hope and excitement as nine community members, seven men, and two ladies from Munje in southeast Kenya, boarded a shuttle bus for a nine-hour journey to Lamu. Our mission was...

Mapping the future: communities come together to discuss locally managed marine areas in Timor-Leste
In February, nine coastal communities from across Timor-Leste came together in Beto-Tasi for the biggest learning exchange ever organised by Blue Ventures in the country.

From global to local, and back again
Birgit Hermann, Country Manager for Blue Ventures in Timor-Leste, shares her experiences of being a Rotary Peace Fellow amongst global peers, and what it means for community conservation impact

Anjangsana Mitra: learning through community exchanges in North Minahasa
“We all have two hands, so if they can manage their octopus fisheries, we can too”

Building community governance: adapting lessons learned in northwest Madagascar (part 2)
In part two of his story, Zo Andriamahenina shares the experiences of communities in Mahajamba Bay, who are managing their natural marine resources, inspired by learning exchanges with other communities

The ambitious challenge of community-led aquaculture
Reflecting on a journey of community resilience in southwest Madagascar and learning for the future