Tag: population-health-environment

Nantenaina: Advocating for collaboration, my journey, and hope from COP26 to COP27
Madagascar is my home, and we have just lived through Cyclone Batsirai. More cyclones came after, and there are more to come. We are all affected by climate change, but coastal communities and exposed to diseases. Capping global temperature increase...

Ten years of providing communities with the freedom to choose
Our Medical Director reflects on ten years of integrating community health services into local marine management efforts in Madagascar.

Is the Global Gag Rule set to undermine the foundations of community-based healthcare?
Our Community Health Programme Coordinator Nick Reed-Krase reflects on the impact that the Mexico City Policy will have on community health workers.

The village outreach tour: catalysing conversations with isolated communities
The Blue Ventures outreach team recently competed their second tour of 2016, engaging 32 coastal communities from southwest Madagascar in conversations about sexual and reproductive health, water purification and natural resource management.

Testing the waters: exploring the potential for PHE in Southeast Asia
Our Medical Director, Dr Vik Mohan, recently visited Indonesia and Timor-Leste to see whether coastal communities there would be interested in Blue Ventures’ integrated health and environment approach.

Climate-resilient development? We’re doing it already!
What is resilience? And what does “climate-resilient development” actually mean?

Aquaculture in profile – Mme Luciene: “I want to be able to send my children to university”
The livelihoods and cultural identity of Vezo people in southwest Madagascar are intimately intertwined with the marine environment. Vezo livelihoods, however, are increasingly threatened by overfishing and mangrove deforestation, largely driven by demand from outside markets. Climate change is also...

Aquaculture in profile – Kirise: “Seaweed farming got me out of poverty, but if I wasn’t motivated, I would still be poor”
“Miarakara zaho (I take care of things). I can afford to buy clothes and food now,” she says, while kneeling next to her thatched home, just steps from the sand’s damp high tide mark on Nosy Tsolike’s beach. From her...

Women’s groups take action to address emergency transport challenges for accessing maternal healthcare
In Madagascar—where women face a 1 in 43 lifetime risk of maternal death—community mobilisation can improve maternal health outcomes. In rural areas, clinics and hospitals are located far from many villages, which means that transport in emergency situations is vital...

Community health workers embrace mobile technology for smarter service delivery and reporting!
Following in the footsteps of our shark fishery monitoring initiative, community-based distributors of contraceptives in southwest Madagascar are embracing mobile technology for smarter service delivery and reporting.

Condoms, crabs and cottonii seaweed: progress update from Belo sur Mer
From humble beginnings over five years ago, locally led mangrove fishery management initiatives are now flourishing in Belo sur Mer and surrounding villages, alongside community-based health promotion and alternative coastal livelihoods in the form of aquaculture.

Open source conservation
Blue Ventures' Al Harris writes his thoughts on the future of conservation from the front line of our work in Madagascar.