Tag: Tsimipaika Bay

Shrimp return to the locally managed bay in northern Madagascar
By Nantenaina Ardo NIRISOA, Site Leader (Ambanja, Tsimipaika Bay, Madagascar). More than seven years ago, when I was working as a fisheries and aquaculture technician in Ambanja in Madagascar’s northwest, I set up a network of fisheries data collectors. I...

Guardians of blue carbon
Ahead of International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, hear from a Blue Ventures blue carbon scientist about how communities in Madagascar are working to protect these precious forests – and the climate

Voices from Tsimipaika Bay: local solutions to community management
Fisher voices: Madame Véronique and Franklin Velotody share local solutions to marine conservation and explain why it’s so important for their village

Building community governance: adapting lessons learned in northwest Madagascar (part 2)
In part two of his story, Zo Andriamahenina shares the experiences of communities in Mahajamba Bay, who are managing their natural marine resources, inspired by learning exchanges with other communities

Building community governance: adapting lessons learned in northwest Madagascar (part 1)
After working with the communities of Tsimipaika Bay to successfully secure the management rights of over 6,000 hectares of mangroves, Zo Andriamahenina is replicating and adapting what he learned for his latest mission in Mahajamba Bay

Our ongoing journey: exploring the challenges and lessons learned about community engagement in conservation
Sharing learning on community engagement in conservation in Tsimipaika Bay