Tag: velondriake

A Milestone for Autonomy in Community-led Marine Area Management in Madagascar

Paul Antion, Head of Programme Management for BV Madagascar, has lived within the small traditional fishing community of Andavadoaka in Madagascar since 2013, working alongside fishers to empower them to lead the management of their marine resources in a way...

/ Jun 21, 2024

When the students became the teachers: a new locally led ecological monitoring team in southwest Madagascar

In June, the local ecological monitoring team from Velondriake travelled to Manjaboake to pass on its skills to its first set of students It was an early sunny morning in June as we packed our kit into the boat on...

/ Aug 9, 2021

Guardians of blue carbon

Ahead of International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, hear from a Blue Ventures blue carbon scientist about how communities in Madagascar are working to protect these precious forests – and the climate

/ Jul 7, 2021

Science and tradition: expanding Velondriake’s no-take zones through community action

Using a traditional fishing technique called 'jarifa', the community association in Velondriake, southwest Madagascar, have expanded their marine reserves to safeguard their future

/ Nov 19, 2020

Science and tradition: exchanging knowledge to drive marine conservation in Velondriake

Five Vezo community members from Andavadoaka join forces to form the first local diving ecological monitoring team in the Velondriake locally managed marine area

/ Oct 14, 2020

The ambitious challenge of community-led aquaculture

Reflecting on a journey of community resilience in southwest Madagascar and learning for the future

/ Jul 15, 2020

Making fisheries management fun

Using an interactive game to explain the principles behind fisheries management

/ May 9, 2019

Realising our potential: scholars in profile – Narison

The first blog in a new "Scholars in Profile" series marking the 10 year anniversary of our Education programme supporting youth in the Velondriake area.

/ Mar 30, 2017

A year of self critique and tough decisions

Over the past year, three of our senior staff in Madagascar have been working with the Earth Skills Network to reflect on, and improve, the management of our conservation programmes.

/ Jan 19, 2017

Signed, sealed, delivered, I’m your protected area

Creating a new protected area takes time. The members of the Velondriake locally managed marine area (LMMA) management association in southwest Madagascar have been patiently biding theirs for a number of long years. The seven-year journey towards formal government recognition...

/ Aug 18, 2015

Making my mother proud…

I feel like I’m gaining skills that will help me to accomplish my goals and hopefully continue to make my mother proud as well.

/ Mar 11, 2015