Tag: volunteering

International Year of the Reef: why 2018 is the year to get involved!
Coral reefs are facing increasing global threats, but there’s still hope for these vital ecosystems...

Amazing Madagascar part 3: hungry for adventure
In this third and final instalment of the Amazing Madagascar series we savour some delicious Malagasy recipes, and help you decide on your next destination.

A cetacean migration! The whales and dolphins have arrived
Our Timor-Leste expeditions are based in Ataúro Island, which just happens to be a global hotspot for cetacean sightings. Sounds like a whale of a time!

Expedition volunteers hit north Velondriake!
[avatar user=”madison” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”http://blog.blueventures.org/author/madison/” target=”_blank” /] by Madison Kane, Expedition Manager, Madagascar Blue Ventures’ expeditions, is by no means just focused on diving. Though dive training and surveying plays a large part in expeditions life, there are many opportunities...

Belief in the Reef!
[avatar user=”marc” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”http://blog.blueventures.org/author/marc/” target=”_blank” /] by Marc Fruitema, Community Officer, Belize As we squeezed ourselves under the narrow roof of a snack tent, sheltering from the fifth squall to disrupt the fair that day, our spirits and energy were...

The insatiable appetite: Lionfish target the world’s most threatened coral reef fish
The red lionfish (Pterois volitans) is a beautiful fish. In its native range – which extends from the Pacific Islands through the Coral Triangle and into the Indian Ocean to the eastern coast of Africa – to see a lionfish on...

A Muddy Mangrove Experience for Expeditions!
Mere hours after the annual conference for Blue Ventures had ended in Andavadoaka, our eighth, and final, expedition of 2014 began! Typically, when the cars arrive on-site, volunteers have the chance to unpack, shower and get acquainted with their new...