All posts by Blue Ventures

Blue Ventures is an award winning marine conservation charity. We rebuild tropical fisheries with coastal communities. On our Beyond Conservation blog you can hear voices from the front line of marine conservation written by our staff and volunteers.

Fish Rap

by Jen Sanders Now this is a story all about how you will learn fish in Nosy Cao, I’d like to take a minute so sit for a bit, so I can tell you ’bout the Groupers and the Sweetlips....

/ Jun 10, 2008

Update from our Expedition Manager: The Joy of Fish!

From Ruth: I have now been in Andavadoaka working for Blue Ventures for 7 months. I’ve been ‘fish enabled’ for about 5 of those months, and am out there doing fish point outs and tests with volunteers during their training...

/ May 19, 2008

Sexual health message spread through drama

It’s a Saturday. Not that the days of the week bear much consequence to our working week here in Andavadoaka; but it is a Saturday, Saturday 10th May. An important meeting is to be held with all parties involved within...

/ May 14, 2008

Ode to Expedition 37

You arrived on the camion all tired and weary the hours of bumping making your eyes look all bleary we can’t believe six weeks has passed it really has gone so very fast we hope you’ve had a blast and...

/ May 13, 2008

“We Love Our Snappers!”

Another song to help identify different species of snapper… “We Love Our Snappers!” (To be sung to the tune of “Can’t take my eyes off you”) When you are learning your fish, Can’t give your snappers a miss, Continuous dorsal...

/ May 2, 2008

Three weeks in

From Sam: I finally arrived at the site at sundown on April 1st, easily the longest transition period I’ve had from one place to another. That said I really, really loved the trip through Madagascar. I had a great time...

/ Apr 25, 2008

The journey to Andavadoaka…

From Sam: On Getting Here After twenty three hours in the air (which itself was preceded by a night in the Guatemala City airport), it would not be hard to have other individuals irk me. But to my pleasure, the...

/ Apr 22, 2008

Expedition 36- veloma in verse!

So let’s talk about expedition 36 You may at times have felt it a bit fixed what with no viz, we’ve all been in a bit of a tizzWhat with all the storms, we’ve all been a bit forlorn. No...

/ Apr 1, 2008

Blue Ventures Carbon Offset Review

Industry watchdog Which? commends Blue Ventures’ Carbon Offset Blue Ventures’ innovative non-profit carbon offsetting programme has been highly rated by companies watchdog Which? in its new report on the UK carbon offsetting industry. The report, which looks at the rapidly-growing...

/ Mar 26, 2008

Blue Ventures Open Day March 2008

This week, Blue Ventures held an Open Day for the village. We had posters, made by the volunteers, about the inter-relationship between the mangroves, seagrass and reefs, what a marine protected area would mean for the fishing stocks (and what...

/ Mar 18, 2008

Village Stays

BV has recently introduced the opportunity of ‘village stays’ for our volunteers. A report from Lucy Ferguson highlights the joys of life in a vezo community: The home stay was hilarious! They picked me up after breakfast last Saturday and...

/ Mar 18, 2008

A day in the life of a BV volunteer

5.30am. I can hear the sound of a bell ringing some distance away. I open one eye and look at my watch. 5.30am. The sun is rising and it’s time to wake up and get kitted up for the 1st...

/ Mar 13, 2008

Mapping Velondriake

Raj (from the BV head office) is currently conducting GIS field research in Andavadoaka to map the coral reefs of Velondriake. The aim of the trip is to produce a habitat map of the Velondriake Marine Protected Area Network, for...

/ Mar 4, 2008

Two Blogs this week!!

The first comes from volunteer, Monika Calitz: Week one of Blue Ventures Expedition no. 36 was exciting – filled with activities and experiences. After three days on the road through the wonderfully diverse landscape of Madagascar we arrive in Tulear....

/ Mar 4, 2008

Bid on eBay – support the School Scholarship Fund!

Please help raise money for the Andavadoaka School Scholarship Fund. A past volunteer, Catherine Petronino (Expedition 15), is currently hosting 3 eBay auctions on behalf of students from the “College Sainte Famille” in Andavadoaka. The students are selling hand-embroidered items and...

/ Mar 3, 2008