Category: Ambanja
We’ve been working in Ambanja on Madagascar’s northwest coast since 2013, supporting local communities to conserve mangrove, seagrass and coastal wetland habitats using a range of management approaches and financing mechanisms.

A song of change in Madagascar brings goosebumps and tears
As a marine ecologist and self-acclaimed nerd, I get excited when I see a graph, especially one charting fish abundance or coral cover. But there are myriad ways to share tales of change beyond data, especially where numbers don’t convey...

Voices of young community leaders
Speaking up for change in Antsahampano village through mangrove conservation. This is the final piece in a four-part series on the voices of young community leaders from Madagascar. Joséphine Besonoa, the community mangrove management association (VOI) technician, speaks on how...

Voices of young community leaders
Encouraging youth to care more for the environment This is the third piece in a four-part series featuring the voices of young community leaders from Madagascar. Fisherwoman Yolande Soamihaja describes her journey as she inspires fellow youth to take on...

Voices of young community leaders
Changemaking through the art of ‘kabary’ speechmaking in Madagascar This post is the second of a 4-part series featuring the voices of young community leaders from Madagascar. In this second part, Landry Jaofasy, a farmer, tells us how he gradually...

Shrimp return to the locally managed bay in northern Madagascar
By Nantenaina Ardo NIRISOA, Site Leader (Ambanja, Tsimipaika Bay, Madagascar). More than seven years ago, when I was working as a fisheries and aquaculture technician in Ambanja in Madagascar’s northwest, I set up a network of fisheries data collectors. I...

The quest for sustainable charcoal
Meet Ambanja’s fuelwood producers who are preserving northwest Madagascar’s mangrove forests by planting brown salwood trees to sustainably produce charcoal for cooking

Our ongoing journey: exploring the challenges and lessons learned about community engagement in conservation
Sharing learning on community engagement in conservation in Tsimipaika Bay

Blue carbon moments
Ismaël Ratefinjanahary reflects on some of the landmark moments in Blue Ventures’ blue carbon journey

Emmanuel’s story: fuelwood plantations in Tsimipaika Bay
Wood is an indispensable resource for communities in Madagascar, but forests are disappearing at an alarming rate

Health for all: putting words into action
Celebrating World Health Day with communities and partners in northwest Madagascar

Geo for Good: from Ambanja to Sunnyvale
Zo Andriamahenina left northwest Madagascar for Sunnyvale, California, to attend Google’s Geo for Good User Summit and learn more about how Google’s tools can help with natural resource management.

Fisheries management that works for everyone
For three years, Blue Ventures has been working with stakeholders and communities in Tsimipaika Bay, northwest Madagascar, to develop an innovative, integrated and consensual Fisheries Management Plan.

Collaborating for child and maternal health in Ambanja
An information and exchange session in Ambanja, northwest Madagascar, has led to increased collaboration between traditional birth attendants and government health workers

From trepidation to appreciation: my experience with Madagascar’s mangroves
When I started working with mangroves four years ago, I had no idea what I was getting myself into...