Category: Locations

Using fisheries monitoring as a tool for empowering women in Timor-Leste
Community-based monitoring groups in Timor-Leste are collecting fisheries data and raising women's voices in discussions about marine resource management.

The Darawa community celebrates a fisheries management milestone
The first community-led temporary octopus fishery closure in Wakatobi was reopened on 2 September with much ceremony and celebration.

Belioness: empowering women and helping the reef, one lionfish at a time
Mindy Cruz had to stop going to school when she was 12, making it difficult for her to find fulfilling work, but now she is the Chairwoman of Belioness – a group of Belizean women who make jewellery from the...

Collaborating for child and maternal health in Ambanja
An information and exchange session in Ambanja, northwest Madagascar, has led to increased collaboration between traditional birth attendants and government health workers

Communication is key! Contextualising health promotion in Kaledupa
Our Indonesian partner Forkani recently held a communication training for health workers to help increase community engagement with health issues on Kaledupa Island.

Mangroves matter! Spreading the word in Sarteneja
Dianeri grew up thinking mangroves were a nuisance, but now she’s teaching the next generation how important they really are

Progress, experience and passion: 11 years of supporting community health services in Madagascar
11 years ago today, Blue Ventures made the decision to diversify its approach and support local health service provision. In this blog Nick Reed-Krase reflects on the development, accomplishments and future of the Safidy programme.

Looking at the big picture: a blue forests retreat in Andasibe
Aina Celéstin left the southwest of Madagascar for the first time in his life to attend a training retreat in Andasibe with his colleagues from the blue forests team.

Breaking stereotypes: the Bulutui community starts to monitor their octopus fishery
A community meeting in the coastal village of Bulutui in Sulawesi inspires the establishment of a catch monitoring system and a move towards sustainable fishing practices.

Fiar-an, La’o ba oin: the women of Ataúro Homestay Association are moving forward
A learning exchange with Agora Food Studio has led to a greater confidence and engagement in cooking for Ataúro Island’s homestay hosts.

Is this thing on?
Lights, camera, action: behind the scenes of Participatory Video training in Madagascar

Inspiring change: Comorian fisherwomen visit Zanzibar to learn about resource management
A learning exchange in Zanzibar has encouraged Comorian fisherwomen to form an association and organise a temporary fishery closure.