Category: Locations

Locally led conservation: listening, persevering and working together
Women in Fisheries 5: an interview with Ami Raini Putriraya, Site Manager for North Minahasa, Perkumpulan YAPEKA

We found our voice: Pate Island community’s journey in marine conservation
For Pate Island community members celebrating the first octopus fishery closures in Kenya, local fishery management has meant much more than just improving catches

A family reunion in Madagascar: highlights from the Blue Ventures Team Conference 2019
Two hundred Blue Ventures staff from across the world met in the highlands of Madagascar to learn, share, sing and dance, energising the team to meet the challenges of the new decade ahead

Making space for health: building community health huts in Madagascar
Supporting five communities in northern Madagascar to unlock access to basic healthcare by working together to fund, design and build dedicated health huts

Not your average workshop: ICT4Fisheries 2019
Fishers, NGOs, academics, businesses and government representatives gathered in Cape Town to share their experiences of using technology for small-scale fisheries

Connecting the dots: when partners get together
Twenty-five people from 11 organisations came together in Sulawesi for Blue Ventures’ second partner forum in Indonesia

Challenging the norm: new student scholarship scheme in Belize
Students in the coastal village of Sarteneja are now being supported with their education and receiving additional training.

Sun, sea and… fisheries data analysis?
Supporting coastal communities in the Comoros with data literacy

Curiosity, discomfort, new understanding: an insider’s account of our latest health-environment research
How did it feel when we placed our integrated health-environment programme under scrutiny?

Different contexts, shared approach
A learning exchange in West Kalimantan focused on the value of integrated approaches to conservation

Blue carbon moments
Ismaël Ratefinjanahary reflects on some of the landmark moments in Blue Ventures’ blue carbon journey

Madagascar’s measles epidemic: the story on the ground
Collaborating with community health workers to support treatment and vaccination in remote areas