Tag: coral reef

Empowering Ende: monitoring coral reefs for thriving fisheries
How local expertise and data-driven conservation are reviving octopus fisheries in Ende, Indonesia Arya Dhani joined Blue Ventures in November 2022 as a Fisheries and Data Technician in Indonesia. Arya uses his fisheries management expertise to provide technical support to...

Putting communities at the heart of coral reef monitoring in Timor-Leste
Our Conservation Officer in Timor-Leste, Armindo Marques, talks about his journey with BV and training a team of Timorese reef monitoring volunteers.

Witnessing the unknown: coral spawning in Timor-Leste
Our Timor-Leste volunteers stumble upon one of nature’s most mysterious reproductive events.

Taming the lionfish: celebrating the contribution of our volunteers in Belize
At the European Coral Reef Symposium in Oxford in December 2017, we shared positive lessons learnt on the benefits that volunteers can bring to marine conservation, using our efforts to address Belize’s lionfish invasion as a case study.

International Year of the Reef: why 2018 is the year to get involved!
Coral reefs are facing increasing global threats, but there’s still hope for these vital ecosystems...

Learning on the job: Tyrell’s journey to reef conservation
Tyrell Reyes, our Science Coordinator in Belize, tells the story of how his evolving role with Blue Ventures has given him opportunities to contribute to the conservation of his country’s coral reefs.

Expedition volunteers hit north Velondriake!
[avatar user=”madison” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”http://blog.blueventures.org/author/madison/” target=”_blank” /] by Madison Kane, Expedition Manager, Madagascar Blue Ventures’ expeditions, is by no means just focused on diving. Though dive training and surveying plays a large part in expeditions life, there are many opportunities...

Belief in the Reef!
[avatar user=”marc” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”http://blog.blueventures.org/author/marc/” target=”_blank” /] by Marc Fruitema, Community Officer, Belize As we squeezed ourselves under the narrow roof of a snack tent, sheltering from the fifth squall to disrupt the fair that day, our spirits and energy were...

The insatiable appetite: Lionfish target the world’s most threatened coral reef fish
The red lionfish (Pterois volitans) is a beautiful fish. In its native range – which extends from the Pacific Islands through the Coral Triangle and into the Indian Ocean to the eastern coast of Africa – to see a lionfish on...