Vote for your favorite entrepreneur
Blue Ventures’ own Alasdair Harris, director of science and co-founder, has been nominated for the “Enterprising Young Brits” award, a national and highly prestigious competition that recognizes young entrepreneurs who have turned their ideas into reality. Alasdair and Blue Ventures...

Blue Ventures Honoured by Responsible Tourism Awards for Work with Volunteers in Madagascar
Blue Ventures was honoured yesterday by the First Choice Responsible Tourism Awards for its work with volunteers to protect threatened marine habitats in Madagascar. During ceremonies at the Excel Conference Centre in London, Blue Ventures was Highly Commended in the...

Blue Ventures launches new shark monitoring programme
Blue Ventures today announced the launch of a new project that will monitor and protect threatened populations of shark. The three-year project, funded in part by the SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund and the Project Aware Foundation, will monitor...

Tiptheplanet – tips to benefit you and the planet
A website which caught our eye, and is very much in the Blue Ventures ethos – tiptheplanet.com. They have advice on energy saving, transport, shopping, finance, hobbies – all with a green twist. About them– At present, there is no...

New hybrid species discovered by BV
The spiny forest contains more than just the amazing baobab trees, it was discovered yesterday. The keen-eyed BV Field Scientist, James Von Squirrelburg, came across this amazing specimen whilst out wandering in the forest. Dissenters were quick to write the...

A Fond Farewell
As i sit here writing this blog i have to confess to a (very small and manly) lump in my throat. The cause of this discomfort is really rather simple to diagnose, for after 9 wonderful months here in Andavadoaka...

A spontaneous birdwatching adventure
I was recently swept off on a spontaneous bird watching adventure with members of the Malagasy bird conservation group ASITY. They were showing some of the best bird watching areas in the region to two tour operators for a local...

Blue Ventures press release picked up globally via Associated Press wires
More than 50 news services globally have run the Blue Ventures press release about coral bleaching in Madagascar following Associated Press’ decision to wire the story. News services publishing details of the report included Fox News, CBS News, The Washington...

Blue Ventures Press Release on WildlifeExtra.com
A recent BV Press Release has caught the eye of the editor over at Wildlife Extra— “Research has revealed that the coral reefs off Madagascar’s south west coast have suffered massive damage from coral bleaching, including a number of reefs...

It’s springtime in Madagascar…
But before you start picturing new shoots, daffodils and lambs gambolling playfully in fields, I should make clear that I’m sitting here in thirty degree heat and sweating as I type. There are some baby goats around, but the only...

Final days on the current expedition…
It’s the final day of the expedition here in Andavadoaka and after a busy last day’s diving (night dives on Ambato Vazaha and then recreational dives on Yellow Brick Road) volunteers and staff are packing up their wetsuits and dive...

Blog contribution from Ashley
We are now in the fifth week of this expedition and once again I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone by. I’ll try to sum up several personal highlights from the past few weeks. We finally had a...

An update for our French readers…
Cette derniere semaine fut de loin la plus decontractee pour tout le monde ici a Coco Beach. En effet, apres la certification des AOW et le passage des benthic tests, nous avons pu profiter de nos nouvelles aptitudes et en...

Football celebrations, Vezo style
Everything super here – volunteers happy, staff on good form, village in good spirits. Flotilla of pirogues with flags and singing Vezo came cruising up past the staff beach yesterday – turned out it was the Andavadoaka village football team...

Volunteer Gill Sheen explains all….
I will confess that the days running up to imminent departure were not necessarily as calm and collected as I would have liked. In fact, safe to say that it was more like unbridled panic (where did I hide my...