Results for: community exchange

A family reunion in Madagascar: highlights from the Blue Ventures Team Conference 2019
Two hundred Blue Ventures staff from across the world met in the highlands of Madagascar to learn, share, sing and dance, energising the team to meet the challenges of the new decade ahead

Different contexts, shared approach
A learning exchange in West Kalimantan focused on the value of integrated approaches to conservation

Valued people, effective teams
Twenty-one colleagues from eight different countries came together to strengthen the bonds within the outreach team

Family planning: a holistic issue
Njaka and Nantenaina travel to Rwanda to find that they're not alone in seeing the links between family planning and environmental conservation.

Bees are friendly insects: launching beekeeping in southwest Madagascar
Since joining Blue Ventures, Christelle has successfully captured wild bee colonies and travelled the length of Madagascar to learn more about community-led beekeeping.

Using fisheries monitoring as a tool for empowering women in Timor-Leste
Community-based monitoring groups in Timor-Leste are collecting fisheries data and raising women's voices in discussions about marine resource management.

Belioness: empowering women and helping the reef, one lionfish at a time
Mindy Cruz had to stop going to school when she was 12, making it difficult for her to find fulfilling work, but now she is the Chairwoman of Belioness – a group of Belizean women who make jewellery from the...

Collaborating for child and maternal health in Ambanja
An information and exchange session in Ambanja, northwest Madagascar, has led to increased collaboration between traditional birth attendants and government health workers

Looking at the big picture: a blue forests retreat in Andasibe
Aina Celéstin left the southwest of Madagascar for the first time in his life to attend a training retreat in Andasibe with his colleagues from the blue forests team.

Inspiring change: Comorian fisherwomen visit Zanzibar to learn about resource management
A learning exchange in Zanzibar has encouraged Comorian fisherwomen to form an association and organise a temporary fishery closure.

All in the same boat: integrating conservation and health in Kaledupa
Our partner organisation Forkani recently hosted a workshop with the aim of fostering cross-sector partnerships between health and conservation groups in Kaledupa.

Christmas in Andavadoaka: a focus on what’s important
Our Field Scientist Catherine Pigeon and our Madagascar volunteers find out how Christmas is celebrated in Andavadoaka.