Results for: community exchange

Amazing Madagascar part 3: hungry for adventure
In this third and final instalment of the Amazing Madagascar series we savour some delicious Malagasy recipes, and help you decide on your next destination.

Learning face-to-face
A learning exchange brought over twenty partners, fishers and conservationists from five different countries to Madagascar to learn about community-based fisheries management.

A melting pot of cultures – Quifuki Island life
Despite its isolation off the north coast of Mozambique, Quifuki Island continues to attract migrant fishermen and traders from far afield, creating a unique and bustling atmosphere.

From the classroom to the field: Malagasy marine science students join Blue Ventures’ Expeditions
In the early hours of a crisp morning in Toliara, two Malagasy marine science students, Andry Razakandrainy Andriamanjato and Max Lahitsiresy Gasimandova, eagerly wait to hop into a car full of international volunteers destined for their new home in Andavadoaka...

Belief in the Reef!
[avatar user=”marc” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”” target=”_blank” /] by Marc Fruitema, Community Officer, Belize As we squeezed ourselves under the narrow roof of a snack tent, sheltering from the fifth squall to disrupt the fair that day, our spirits and energy were...

A little step for me…. One giant leap for octopus fisheries management
Not only was it my first time in the “Old Town”, the beautiful heart of Zanzibar’s Stone Town, where the labyrinth of alleyways transport you to another time, and the historical monuments and museums bear witness to the cultural and artistic...

Student Conference on Conservation Science in Bangalore, India
by Cicelin RAKOTOMAHAZO, Socioeconomic Scientist – Blue Forests, Madagascar This was not only my first time on a flight but also my first time travelling outside of Madagascar. I was heading to Bangalore, the third largest city in India, to...

Filming with the stars
After years of wanting to tell the story of Blue Ventures' integrated Population-Health-Environment approach in a visual and personal way, the opportunity has finally arrived.

Tsy veloma fa mandra-pihaona! (It’s not goodbye, but see you next time!)
By Shawn Peabody, Former Country Director, Madagascar It took me 30 hours to get to Andavadoaka the second time I went there. I took the octopus truck – and I was lucky in that I got a seat at the...

Greetings from the Pacific Northwest
by Trevor Jones, Geospatial Analyst & Manager – Blue Carbon Science, Vancouver Update from Blue Ventures’ newest branch in Vancouver, Canada. Greetings from the Pacific Northwest! After two exciting and fruitful years in Madagascar, I have moved to Vancouver, Canada to...