Category: Belize

Our work in Belize encompasses scientific research at the Bacalar Chico Marine Reserve as part of our award-winning expeditions, and community-based efforts to combat the threat of lionfish to local reefs by stimulating new markets for this invasive species.

A field trip to remember

Students from Centro Escolar Mexico Junior College visit the Bacalar Chico Marine Reserve to get some first-hand experience of marine fieldwork with the Blue Ventures team.

/ May 31, 2017

A transformational experience

Belize volunteer Jane Stephens describes her expedition experience and how she overcame her scuba diving nerves at Bacalar Chico Dive Camp.

/ May 24, 2017

Learning on the job: Tyrell’s journey to reef conservation

Tyrell Reyes, our Science Coordinator in Belize, tells the story of how his evolving role with Blue Ventures has given him opportunities to contribute to the conservation of his country’s coral reefs.

/ Jan 26, 2017

Water between the rocks: a volunteer’s experience of Sarteneja

Before heading off to the gorgeous but isolated Bacalar Chico Dive Camp, Blue Ventures’ Belize volunteers spend some time in the coastal village of Sarteneja for a more immersive experience of the country’s people and culture. This is Tom Smart’s...

/ Jan 4, 2017

Belioness: 15 women, seven communities, four languages, one vision

The Belioness lionfish jewelry group gather from across Belize to develop a shared vision for their social enterprise; United women, empowered communities, and a healthy, beautiful reef.

/ Aug 10, 2016

Counting for conservation: the Belize National Lionfish Survey

Science Interns Julia Rubin and Anna Simmons recall 3 months spent surveying 50 different reef sites across 5 of Belize’s marine reserves.

/ Jul 29, 2016

The Caribbean Spiny Lobster: our Belize volunteers learn from an expert

From fishery closures to how to measure a carapace, our volunteers found out everything they could ever have wanted about the Caribbean Spiny Lobster!

/ Jul 5, 2016

Life as a BV volunteer in Belize

Michael volunteered with Blue Ventures in Belize in November 2015. Find out about his experience from hitting the books to hitting the water.

/ Jan 25, 2016

Belief in the Reef!

[avatar user=”marc” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”” target=”_blank” /] by Marc Fruitema, Community Officer, Belize As we squeezed ourselves under the narrow roof of a snack tent, sheltering from the fifth squall to disrupt the fair that day, our spirits and energy were...

/ Jun 15, 2015

The insatiable appetite: Lionfish target the world’s most threatened coral reef fish

The red lionfish (Pterois volitans) is a beautiful fish. In its native range – which extends from the Pacific Islands through the Coral Triangle and into the Indian Ocean to the eastern coast of Africa – to see a lionfish on...

/ May 14, 2015

Turning the tide on marine plastics

Let’s set the scene, we’re on a beautiful white sand beach, dotted with palm trees; a remote tropical paradise, miles away from human habitation. As the tide retreats what’s that left behind in the strandline? Intermixed with the usual bits...

/ Mar 27, 2015

Spreading the word about lionfish!

By Winnie Courtene-Jones, Field Scientist, Belize Since their arrival in Belize in 2008, lionfish have dramatically increased in numbers and spread throughout the country’s waters, devastating the World Heritage listed Belize Barrier Reef. What better way than to help tackle...

/ Oct 10, 2014

Innovative Tools and Inspired Leaders: My Experience as a Kinship Fellow

By Jen Chapman, Country Coordinator, Belize [quote_left]If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. – John Shores, Kinship Faculty, 2014[/quote_left] It was a busy morning, and I was mildly irritated to hear my phone ring… again!...

/ Sep 15, 2014

Lobster with a side of lionfish

by Silvia Parmeggiani, Community Officer, Belize Despite the early start, the full sun was already beating down on us as we drive down the dusty road from Sarteneja, on our way to Belize City. Belize is a country of many cultures,...

/ Aug 29, 2014

In the making: the future biologists of Belize

by Winnie Courtene-Jones and Meira Mizrahi, Field Scientists, Belize  Throughout this academic year, Blue Ventures’ staff team has again been working closely with the natural resource management classes at the Centro Escolar Mexico Junior College (CEMJC). This enthusiastic group of students...

/ Aug 13, 2014